Todd Wehr Library

Faculty Collaboration Database

The Faculty Collaboration Database (FCD) was developed to foster collaboration between faculty members of the Medical College of Wisconsin and with other members of the Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI), including UWM and Marquette. The goal of the FCD is to support and enhance the research advances, patient care needs, educational excellence and business requirements of the College. The FCD was initiated by the Faculty Career Development committee, the CTSI and the Office of Research and developed by the staff of the MCW Biomedical Informatics program. Ongoing support including education, Help Desk and other assistance is provided by MCW Libraries.

Basic demographic information as well as grants faculty are involved with are automatically added to faculty profiles. Other information such as published articles, leadership positions, mentoring availability, educational expertise, clinical expertise, community partnerships and more are parts of the profile that faculty can add to the FCD. Faculty may also upload their Curriculum Vitae. Faculty members can also set up designees (such as an administrative assistant) who can manage their FCD accounts on their behalf.

MCW Libraries offers the following support to assist you in getting set up in the FCD:

  • Presentations at Department Meetings
    • Librarians are available to present an overview of the FCD with time for questions.
  • One-on-One Consultations
    • Librarians are available to meet with you individually in your office or department at a time that is convenient for you.
  • Online Assistance
    • The FCD website contains an informative About page that serves as an FAQ. Screencasts are also available on the FCD site that illustrate how to login, update your profile, and more.

Please contact the FCD Help Desk for assistance and to schedule a meeting or consultation.