protein structures and brain images

Froedtert & MCW Drive Patient Enrollment for Multicenter Glioblastoma Trial

Froedtert Menomonee Falls Hospital (FMF) and the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) were the combined top accruing team for the multicenter ECOG-ACRIN EAF151 trial, a phase 2 glioblastoma study. The first-of-its-kind trial is being led locally by Jennifer Connelly, MD, Professor of Neurology, and nationally by MCW’s Kathleen Schmainda, PhD, Professor of Biophysics, and Jerrold Boxerman, MD, PhD, FACR, Professor of Radiology, Brown University. Together, FMF and MCW accrued 12 patients, leading the way for the 32 participating sites.

During the trial, investigators are studying how well dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DSC-MRI) works in measuring relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV) for early response to bevacizumab – a targeted drug therapy – in patients with recurring glioblastoma. Dr. Schmainda explained that while previous clinical trials have incorporated advanced imaging methods for secondary assessments, EAF151 is the first to prioritize evaluation of the advanced MRI biomarker.

“Clinical trials typically use standard imaging that provide an assessment of anatomy and tumor size but not of physiologic information like advanced MRI methods can provide,” says Dr. Schmainda. “If EAF151 is successful, it could lead the way to a fundamental shift in how clinical trials are performed and patients stratified with a more routine use of advanced MRI metrics.”

“Imaging trials to identify the subset of patients who are likely going to be responders to a drug are essential in designing clinical trials and personalizing treatment plans for patients in the future,” added Dr. Connelly.

Learn more about the ECOG-ACRIN EAF151 trial.

The above article appeared in the Cancer Clinical Trials Monthly Update sponsored by Cancer Center Director Gustavo Leone, PhD.