
Ying Liu, PhD

Assistant Professor


  • Biostatistics

Contact Information


PhD - Biostatistics, Columbia University School of Public Health, 2016
MS - Statistics, The University of Chicago, 2011

Research Interests

Dr. Ying Liu joined the Division of Biostatistics in Summer 2016. The focus of her research is in merging statistical modeling with medical domain knowledge and machine learning algorithms to help making personalized medical decisions to fulfill the promise of medical big data to bring about more efficient and affordable patient-centered health care to everyone. The topics of her recent peer-reviewed statistics publication spread from reinforcement learning for data from sequential multiple assignment randomized trial (SMAER); a new design of SMART with enrichment study that uses information from medical records to improve efficiency in SMART design; prediction and variable selection for high-dimensional data with missing entries; and estimating personalized diagnostic rules depending on individualized characteristics. She is looking forward to combine her methodology expertise in machine learning and personalized medicine with the abundance of medical data and research at MCW.

Curriculum Vitae