Annie Friedrich, PhD

Annie Friedrich, PhD

Assistant Professor of Bioethics and Medical Humanities


  • MEB M1100

Contact Information


Dr. Friedrich joined MCW in 2022 as an assistant professor of bioethics and medical humanities in the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities in the Institute for Health & Equity. She received her PhD in Health Care Ethics from Saint Louis University with a focus on clinical ethics, pediatric ethics, and empirical research methods in bioethics.

Dr. Friedrich’s research combines theoretical and empirical analyses to explore the ethical dimensions of clinical care, family-provider communication, and decision making in pediatric settings. In particular, she is interested in better understanding the ways in which technological interventions shape parental decision making in pediatric intensive care. She has published and presented on the need for a postphenomenological approach to technology in pediatric settings, an approach that seeks to leverage benefits and mitigate potential harms of highly technological medical spaces. Her articles have appeared in publications such as the American Journal of Bioethics, Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, HEC Forum, The Journal of Clinical Ethics, and the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry.

Dr. Friedrich is also an ethics educator and teaches in the Center’s graduate bioethics masters and certificate programs. She also teaches clinical ethics and medical humanities to medical students. In addition to this work, Dr. Friedrich is a certified clinical ethics consultant (HEC-C) and works as a clinical ethicist at Children’s Wisconsin, in addition to serving on other affiliated ethics committees.
