Constance Shumba, PhD

Constance Shumba, PhD

Associate Professor, Division of Epidemiology and Social Sciences, Institute for Health & Equity, Director, Master of Science Global Health Equity


  • Institute for Health & Equity
    MEB M1100

Contact Information


Dr. Shumba has worked with several global health agencies in Africa and Asia over the last 19 years leading the design and delivery of complex gender-responsive cross-sectoral programs. She has made distinctive contributions to health systems strengthening in evolving demographic, economic and disease contexts, specifically linking the impact of service and program interventions on health outcomes. Prior to MCW, Dr. Shumba was at the Mastercard Foundation and served as Technical and Programmatic Lead for the USD1.5bn Saving Lives and Livelihoods Initiative, in partnership with the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, supporting COVID-19 vaccination and strengthening pandemic preparedness and response across the 55 African Union countries.

Research Interests

Dr. Shumba’s research in applied global health, focuses on disease prevention and health systems research for maternal and child health and infectious diseases among vulnerable populations in decentralized health systems. Her interest is in the design, implementation, and evaluation of complex gender transformative and multi-component integrated health interventions across the continuum of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment to improve health equity, with sub-Saharan Africa as the primary geographical setting. She maintains an ongoing interest in adolescents, and key populations living with HIV, maternal and child health, and the health workforce as main entry points.
