Medical College of Wisconsin Pediatrics Medical Education
At Children's Wisconsin and the Medical College of Wisconsin we strive to ensure the highest quality of teaching and clinical excellence for all levels of pediatric training.
Our student programs, the M3 Clerkship and M4 Acting Internships, provide an all-encompassing experience in pediatrics.
The pediatric and internal medicine-pediatric residencies offer a flexible, individualized program to enable residents to reach their maximum potential while gaining robust clinical experience.
The Fellowship Programs educate and develop the next generation of leaders in subspecialty pediatrics by providing in-depth clinical experiences combined with rigorous training in basic, clinical, translational, and educational scholarship and quality improvement.
A Message from our Vice Chair of Education
Welcome to the Medical College of Wisconsin’s Department of Pediatrics Medical Education Programs. I am Dr. Tara Petersen and I have the privilege and honor of serving as Vice Chair of Education. This unique role allows me to collaborate with our outstanding pediatric-based residencies, subspecialty fellowships, medical student and continuing medical education programs to foster the ongoing growth and development of pediatric providers. We recognize the educational relationship is one that is truly built upon reciprocated respect and trust. We strive to provide our adult learners with an immersive educational experience that empowers solidification of purpose.
In the ever-advancing medical field, it is our mission to remain at the forefront of innovation while respecting the importance of securing a strong foundation. The Medical College of Wisconsin and Children’s Wisconsin are highly dedicated to not only maintaining the tradition of excellence within our training programs, but also leading the way in pediatric clinical care, research, advocacy, and community service. All of us at MCW/CW have made a promise to our patients to remain lifelong learners so we may always provide the best and safest care possible. We also promise to foster the growth and development of our trainees by providing them with an exceptional, well-rounded educational experience while constantly re-examining not only what we teach, but how we teach it.
Tara Petersen, MD, MSEd
Contact Us
Children's Corporate Center
999 N. 92nd St., Suite 730
Milwaukee, WI 53226
(414) 337-7068 (fax)