MCW Pediatric Residency DEI Commitment
Our pediatric residency program is committed to creating an environment that is intentionally inclusive, diverse, and anti-racist in which all our trainees can thrive, knowing that they are vital members of our community. We are committed to creating a culture of belonging, acceptance, and openness. We believe medical training includes learning how to provide care for patients from all backgrounds and to understand our patients’ health in the context of systems of structural racism and health disparities. We aim to train physicians who will address health inequities as advocates for their communities and leaders in promoting health justice. We strive to reflect the diverse populations we diagnose, treat, and heal.
We share in the vision of the Medical College of Wisconsin by envisioning a healthier world that is just, equitable, and thriving for everyone, a world where social and human differences are drivers of health and wellbeing, not barriers.
Learn about the MCW Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Learn about MCW's 2024 Visiting Student Health Equity program - Clinical Rotation Award
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Below: Dr. Earnestine Willis (retired faculty founder of the community pediatrics rotation, Dr. Keli Coleman- current EM attending and former resident at time of photo.