Christine M. Everett, PhD, MPH, PA-C
Founding Director, Chief, Professor
- HRC H2409
Contact Information
PhD, Population Health, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI
BS and PA Certificate, Physician Assistant Studies, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI
MPH, Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
BS, Zoology, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI
Honors and Awards
1992, 1993 Outstanding Achievement Award, NIH, CC, DTM
1998 Deputy Commissioner’s Award for Community Service, Food and Drug Administration
2001 Commissioner’s Award of Excellence, Food and Drug Administration
2006, 2007 Dean’s List, University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Medicine and Public Health
2007 Gordon Johnsen Health Management Graduate Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Medicine and Public Health
2007-2012 AHRQ NRSA T32 Training Grant Predoctoral Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Medicine and Public Health
2014 Article of the Year Award, Physician Assistant Education Association
2016 Research Achievement Award, Physician Assistant Education Association
Research Areas of Interest
- Administrative Claims, Healthcare
- Electronic Health Records
- Health Services Research
- Outcome and Process Assessment (Health Care)
- Outcome Assessment (Health Care)
- Patient Care Team
- Physician Assistants
- Population Health
Research Interests
Remembering Ruth Milligan Ballweg, MPA, PA-C Emeritus.
(Everett CM, Strand de Oliveira J, Quella A, Hooker RS, Bushardt RL.) JAAPA. 2023 May 01;36(5):10-11 PMID: 37043722 04/13/2023
When is caring sharing? Primary care provider interdependence and continuity of care.
(Everett CM, Christy J, Morgan PA, Docherty SL, Smith VA, Anderson JB Jr, Viera A, Jackson GL.) JAAPA. 2023 Jan 01;36(1):32-40 PMID: 36484712 12/10/2022
Teaming up in primary care: Membership boundaries, interdependence, and coordination.
(Everett CM, Docherty SL, Matheson E, Morgan PA, Price A, Christy J, Michener L, Smith VA, Anderson JB Jr, Viera A, Jackson GL.) JAAPA. 2022 Feb 01;35(2):1-10 PMID: 34985006 PMCID: PMC9869344 01/06/2022
(Gillette C, Ostermann J, Garvick S, Momen J, Everett C, Boles G, Crandall S.) Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 11/01/2022
Cross-sectional analysis of US scope of practice laws and employed physician assistants
(Valentin VL, Najmabadi S, Everett CM.) BMJ Open Quality. Valentin VL, Najmabadi S, Everett CCross-sectional analysis of US scope of practice laws and employed physician assistantsBMJ Open 2021;11:e043972. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-043972 05/01/2021
Emerging practices in onboarding programs for PAs: Strategies for onboarding.
(Anglin L, Sanchez M, Butterfield R, Rana R, Everett CM, Morgan P.) JAAPA. 2021 Jan 01;34(1):32-38 PMID: 33332832 12/18/2020
State Scope of Practice Laws: An Analysis of Physician Assistant Programs and Graduates.
(Valentin VL, Najmabadi S, Jones J, Everett CM.) J Physician Assist Educ. 2020 Dec;31(4):179-184 PMID: 33136717 11/03/2020
Emerging practices in onboarding programs for PAs: Program content.
(Sanchez M, Anglin L, Rana R, Butterfield R, Everett CM, Morgan P.) JAAPA. 2020 Sep;33(9):38-42 PMID: 32841977 08/26/2020
(Smith VA, Morgan PA, Edelman D, Woolson SL, Berkowitz TSZ, Van Houtven CH, Hendrix CC, Everett CM, White BS, Jackson GL.) Med Care. 2020 Aug;58(8):681-688 PMID: 32265355 PMCID: PMC7375947 04/09/2020
PA job availability in primary care during 2014 and 2016.
(Rana R, Blazar M, Jones Q, Butterfield R, Everett CM, Morgan P.) JAAPA. 2020 Jul;33(7):38-43 PMID: 32590532 06/27/2020
Emerging practices in onboarding programs for PAs and NPs.
(Morgan PA, Sanchez M, Anglin L, Rana R, Butterfield R, Everett CM..) JAAPA. 03/01/2020
(Everett, Christine; Christy, Jacob; Batchelder, Heather; Morgan, Perri A; Docherty, Sharron; Smith, Valerie A; Anderson, John B Jr; Viera, Anthony; Jackson, George L.) BJM Open Quality. Everett C, Christy J, Batchelder H, et alImpact of primary care usual provider type and provider interdependence on outcomes for patients with diabetes: a cohort studyBMJ Open Quality 2023;12:e002229. doi: 10.1136/bmjoq-2022-002229 06/13/2023