Staff Collaborate Conference Room
Melinda Stolley, PhD
Stolley PCCOE

Melinda Stolley, PhD

Ann E. Heil Professor of Cancer Research, Associate Director of Population Sciences and Co-Leader, Cancer Control research program, Cancer Center; Professor, Medicine (Hematology/Oncology)


  • Hematology and Oncology

Contact Information

Research Experience

  • Health Behavior

Leadership Positions

  • Associate Director of Cancer Prevention and Control

Research Interests

Dr. Stolley is a health psychologist with expertise in behavioral interventions across the cancer continuum. Her research focuses on lifestyle behavior change to improve patient-reported and cancer outcomes. She has nearly 25 years of experience developing and testing lifestyle change interventions among children, adults and cancer survivors. An important aspect of this work is her focus on partnering with underserved communities to identify and pursue relevant research questions. Dr. Stolley has a strong portfolio of NCI-funded grants to examine the effects of lifestyle interventions on behavioral, psychosocial and physiological outcomes. Her work also seeks to understand the mechanistic pathways that link behavior change to improved patient-reported and cancer outcomes. Dr. Stolley co-leads the Statewide Community and Cancer Science Network which applies a novel transdisciplinary approach to transform community-academic partnerships to address cancer disparities. Dr. Stolley is deeply committed to training and facilitating a diverse workforce. She leads the NCI T32-funded Biobehavioral Oncology Postdoctoral Training Program at MCW with Dr. Jennifer Knight. Dr. Stolley also initiated and directs a summer cancer disparities research training program for undergraduates and first year medical students and partnered with Milwaukee Public Schools to develop a high school cancer education program.
