
Global Health Initiative

Anesthesiology Global Health Initiative The Department of Anesthesiology has a long-standing commitment to global health, with many of our faculty, staff and trainees participating in missions in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC).

In the past several decades, global health efforts have greatly decreased the overall morbidity and mortality in developing nations with regards to the reduction in communicable diseases. This in turn has revealed the surgical burden of disease. There is a global need for essential surgery and safe anesthetic care in foreign countries; and the need for subspecialized high-level care like Plastics, Cardiac, Ortho, etc. is even higher with an unmeasurable burden on the families of those in need. Many foreign nations direct care and resources toward essential surgery and anesthesia for survival; LMIC often find themselves relying on governmental aid and non-profit organizations to perform and provide elective surgery and safe anesthesia.

The Department of Anesthesiology Global Health Initiative at the Medical College of Wisconsin is committed to ensuring access to and safe delivery of anesthetic care throughout the world. Our goal is to work collaboratively with global partners to provide education, conduct research, and obtain clinical experience for our residents, fellows and faculty.

“I encourage every resident to participate in global health in some way. Work becomes more meaningful as you realize that you can make a difference. There is no 'them.' There is only 'us.'”  - Dr. Anna Budd, Piura, Peru

“I learned more from the experience than I thought I would. I was humbled by learning how to troubleshoot like an anesthesia tech/biomedical engineer and ‘MacGyver’ my drugs and equipment so that I could deliver safe and effective anesthesia.” - Dr. Avani Richardson, Blantyre, Malawi

Anesthesia Opportunities

For Residents & Fellows
Resident International Anesthesia Scholarship Program
The ASA’s Committee on Global Humanitarian Outreach (GHO) provides funding and support for U.S. anesthesiology residents to spend a month in a resource-poor setting. Residents will have the opportunity to experience the challenges of delivering safe anesthesia in a low-resource, underserved area in a developing country as well as participate in the training and education of local anesthesia providers. Applications typically open in October each year following the ASA Annual Meeting and winners are announced in the early Spring for the following academic year.
HVO-SEA Scholarship Program
Residents in the SEA-HVO Traveling Fellowship will spend four weeks teaching anesthesia in a low resource country. Traveling Fellows may choose to rotate at any pre-approved HVO site if the dates they choose to teach are dates that are available at the site. Traveling Fellows must be HVO members and travel arrangements will be administered by HVO. Applications typically open in November and end in January for the following academic year.

Learn more about SEA-HVO

MCW GME Scholars In Global Health
We recognize, with palpable resident growing interest in global health, that a broad-based curriculum of global health principles and concepts, regardless of specialty, is timely and important to developing global physicians. With a cohort of dedicated faculty representing over 10 specialties, a cross cutting global health curriculum to advance global health knowledge, skills, and experience is available for all interested residents. Multi-disciplinary interactive didactics (two hour seminars) and resident-led journal clubs occur quarterly. With a 70% or higher attendance rate, trainees receive a certificate of completion awarded by the Medical College of Wisconsin Office of Global Health. Applications due annually on November 1st.

Contact Us

Avani Richardson, MD

Franklin J. Ruiz, MD