Aniko Szabo, PhD

Aniko Szabo, PhD

Biostatistical Consulting Center Director and Professor


  • Biostatistics

Contact Information


PhD - Applied Statistics, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, 1998
MS - Statistics, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, 1997
MS - Mathematics, Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary, 1994

Research Experience

  • Mathematical Modeling of Cancer Screening and Oncogenesis.

Leadership Positions

  • Director of the Biostatistics Consulting Center

Research Interests

Dr. Aniko Szabo is a professor and director of the Biostatistics Consulting Service. Dr. Szabo's research interests are in statistical modeling of biomedical data. She has worked on analysis methods for PCR and microarray data, developing tree models of oncogenesis, nonparametric models of clustered discrete data, and population level models of the effect of screening on prostate cancer incidence. She collaborates with biomedical investigators across the entire spectrum of translational research from analyzing cellular assays, animal experiments, and observational studies in patients to designing prospective clinical trials and evaluation of policy impacts in national databases.

Curriculum Vitae
