Ruta Brazauskas, PhD

Ruta Brazauskas, PhD

Associate Professor, Biostatistics


  • Biostatistics

Contact Information


PhD, Biostatistics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 2003
MS, Statistics, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, 1999
BS, Applied Mathematics, Vilnius University, Lithuania, 1992

Research Experience

  • Survival Analysis

Research Interests

Dr. Ruta Brazauskas joined the Division of Biostatistics in June 2008. Dr. Brazauskas’ research interests include survival analysis and competing risks. Most recent methodological work on the issues of paired studies in survival analysis was funded by the CTSA supplemental grant awarded to a group of faculty members at the Division. Her collaborative work is mostly focused on the outcomes of bone marrow transplantation (BMT) and in particular long-tern effects of the BMT. Dr. Brazauskas is the lead statistician of the Late Effects Working Committee and Health Policy Working Committee at the Center for International Bone Marrow Transplant Research. Her other collaborators include MCW physicians from various departments as well as researchers in the area of public health. In 2012, Dr. Brazauskas received the Graduate Student Association's Teacher of the Year Award for her exceptional teaching in Biostatistics.

Curriculum Vitae
