Zhongyuan Chen, PhD

Zhongyuan Chen, PhD

Assistant Professor, Biostatistics


  • Biostatistics
    MEB M1401

Contact Information


PhD, Statistics, Rice University, Houston, TX


Dr. Zhongyuan Chen is an assistant professor in the Division of Biostatistics at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Previously, she held a position of a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics at Purdue University.

Dr. Chen’s main research interest is to integrate statistical methodology into other fields such as biosciences, cancer genomics and genetics, bioinformatics, and numerical computations. In particular, her work includes innovative strategies to apply statistical analysis, statistical methods, and machine learning strategies to high-dimensional data, practical medical and biological applications, and large-scale scientific computing tasks.

Some highlights of Dr. Chen’s work include the following:
1) statistical machine learning and dimension reduction for treatment recommendation (personalized medicine); causal inference: treatment effect estimation;
2) statistical methods and large-scale data analysis for cancer genomic and genetic data;
3) bioinformatics and computational biology for big data of cancer; and
4) statistical analysis for randomized algorithms;
5) high-dimensional causal inference under hidden confounding; Bayesian methodology/applications.

Dr. Chen has close collaborations with researchers across multiple disciplines beyond statistics, including cancer biology, mathematics, and bioinformatics. In particular, Dr. Chen collaborates with research groups in multiple cancer centers and medical schools such as MCW Cancer Center, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Baylor College of Medicine, and IU School of Medicine.

View Dr. Zhongyuan Chen's profile.
