Ryan Spellecy, PhD

Ryan Spellecy, PhD

Assistant Provost and Director, MCW Human Research Protection Program, Ursula von der Ruhr Chair in Bioethics; Professor of Bioethics and Medical Humanities, and Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine


  • Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities

Contact Information


Dr. Spellecy received his PhD in Philosophy from the University of Utah and is associate professor of Bioethics and Medical Humanities in the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities, in the Institute for Health & Equity. Dr. Spellecy has authored and co-authored numerous peer-reviewed articles in the area of research ethics, informed consent, ethical issues in psychiatry, and community involvement in research. He has advised the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute regarding engaging patients in the peer review process, the Association of American Medical Colleges on IRBs and community based research, and testified before the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics regarding the use of clinical data for research. Ryan served on the Association of American Medical Colleges working group on IRBs and community based research. He currently chairs an Institutional Review Board at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Dr. Spellecy is the Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network co-PI for an NIH funded national study evaluating a novel, easier to read informed consent form for BMT trials.

Research Experience

  • Advance Directive Adherence
  • Advance Directives
  • Advisory Committees
  • Beneficence
  • Bioethical Issues
  • Bioethics
  • Commitment of Mentally Ill
  • Consent Forms
  • Education, Distance
  • Education, Graduate
  • Educational Technology
  • Ethical Review

Leadership Positions

  • Chair, Frodert Memorial Lutheran Hospital/Medical College of Wisconsin IRB #2

MCW Program / Core Facilities

  • CTSI

Community Partnerships

  • United Community Center
  • Walnut Way
