Farmer's Market

About Community Health at the Medical College of Wisconsin

The Division of Community Health is a multifaceted division within the Institute for Health & Equity at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Created in 2018, there are currently three faculty members, twenty-six adjunct faculty members and three staff members with primary appointments in the Division. Members of the Division engage in research and education activities and collaborates with various departments within the Medical College of Wisconsin, institutions across the nation and the world. Faculty members are active in grant submission with successful funding histories and publications. Faculty members also teach and advise in the Masters in Public Health program, the Masters in Clinical and Translational Science program, and the Medical Student Pathways program. Community Health is also the home of Research in Early child Development to Improve Resiliency and EQuiTy (REDIRECT), the Medical College's collaboration center for creating equity where there are currently community health disparities. 

Institute for Health & Equity Mission

Community Health is a division within the Institute for Health & Equity (IHE). The mission of IHE is to improve health and advance equity through partnerships and to integrate medicine and population health.

Guiding Principles - IHE
  • Integrate public and community health across research, education, clinical, and community initiatives.
  • Foster collaboration among departments and disciplines, and strengthen relationships with community.
  • Build capacity by creating and strengthening effective partnerships that are innovative and mutually beneficial.
  • Share power and resources equitably among partners to maximize effective outcomes.
  • Nurture programs in public health disciplines and encourage methodological research in biostatistics, bioethics, and global health.