Tricia Monroe began her professional career as a special education teacher working with students who are deaf or hard of hearing. While teaching, she facilitated support groups for students living with diabetes. She went on to receive her master’s in Health Education & Promotion and is a Certified Health Education Specialist. She has worked at the Medical College of Wisconsin since 2019. Her work has included research related to health inequities, chronic illnesses, school based mental health programming, and suicide prevention. She has training in Mental Health First Aid and received Grief Support Specialist training from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Currently, she serves as the Suicide Postvention Program Manager. She conducts active outreach to survivors of suicide loss within Milwaukee County, identifying best practices for supporting individuals after a loss and developing a community-wide response that considers cultural and linguistic needs. Her research and professional interests include postvention practices within a social justice framework, grief experiences after a suicide loss across racial and ethnic populations, and community empowerment through collaborative academic partnerships. In her free time, Tricia enjoys being active outside, reading a variety of books, and going to the beach with her family.