Emergency Medicine


Stroke Hyperglycemia Insulin Network Effort (SHINE)

SHINE LogoOver 750,000 people have strokes in the US annually. Approximately 40% of the patients with acute ischemic stroke have high blood sugar (are hyperglycemic) when they come in to the hospital or Emergency Department. Laboratory and human studies have shown that high blood sugar levels during a stroke can be associated with more damage to the brain than normal blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels can be lowered with a hormone called Insulin, which can either be given as a shot under your skin (subcutaneously) or into a vein in your arm through a tube called an IV.
The purpose of this study is to find out if treating high blood sugar in stroke patients with IV insulin shows better recoveries than the current standard care for treating high blood sugar. Preliminary studies of stroke patients indicate that IV insulin for blood sugar control can be a safe treatment option. This study plans to add more safety information to IV insulin and to see if this treatment can improve recovery after stroke.

A total of about 1,400 people are expected to participate in this study nationally.

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RRC@mcw.edu | (414) 805-6493