
Valve Disease Clinical Trials


ACURATE IDE: Transcatheter Replacement of Stenotic Aortic Valve through Implantation of ACURATE in Subjects Indicated for Transfemoral Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR).

The purpose of this study is to evaluate safety and effectiveness of the ACURATE Transfemoral Aortic Valve System for transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) in subjects with severe native aortic stenosis who are indicated for TAVR.
Principal Investigator: Panayotis Fasseas, MD
Sub-Investigator: Peter Mason, MD
Primary Study Coordinator: Shelley Schultz, CRC III

Status: Currently enrolling
Sub-Category: Valve Disease
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03735667

Meet Our Team

CLASP IITR Pivotal Clinical Trial

Edwards PASCAL TrAnScatheter Valve RePair System Pivotal Clinical Trial (CLASP II TR): A prospective, multicenter, randomized, controlled pivotal trial.

The objectives of this pivotal clinical trial are to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the PASCAL System for transcatheter tricuspid valve repair with OMT compared to OMT alone in the treatment of patients with symptomatic severe tricuspid regurgitation.
Principal Investigator: Peter Mason, MD
Primary Sub-Investigator: Saif Anwaruddin, MD
Primary Study Coordinator: Barb Shimada-Krouwer, RN

Status: Currently enrolling
Sub-Category: Valve Disease
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04097145

Meet Our Team


Saif Anwaruddin, MD, FACC, FSCAI

Associate Professor

Cardiovascular Clinical Trials

The Cardiovascular Research Service is currently conducting drug and/or device trials in the cardiac subspecialties listed. However, this does not limit what we may be working on tomorrow.

Please contact the Cardiovascular Trials program by calling (414) 955-6784 or at DOMCVClinTriStaff@mcw.edu.