Srividya Kidambi, MD, MS

Srividya Kidambi, MD, MS

Division Chief; Professor; Director, TOPS Program; Senior Medical Director, Procedural Specialties


  • MCW Hub 6th Floor
    Froedtert Specialty Clinic

Contact Information


MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery), Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad, India
MS, Epidemiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
Primary Care Faculty Development Fellowship, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
Fellowship in Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Nutrition, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
T-32 Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Physiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI


Dr. Kidambi is a professor and chief of the Division of Endocrinology and Molecular Medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin/Froedtert Hospital. Dr. Kidambi received her Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery from Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. She completed her Residency at the State University of New York at Buffalo. She completed her Fellowship in Endocrinology and Master of Science in Epidemiology at the Medical College of Wisconsin. She joined the Medical College of Wisconsin in 2008.

Dr. Kidambi is intensely passionate about chronic disease states that are associated with metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease. Her main focus is providing care to patients with diabetes and obesity. In addition, after having conducted research on high blood pressure for several years, her expertise is in high blood pressure management, particularly high blood pressure in young patients, drug-resistant hypertension, and hypertension secondary to hormonal disorders. Furthermore, she also takes care of patients with polycystic ovarian disease.

Care Emphasis

  • Diabetic mellitus
  • Obesity
  • Metabolic Syndrome
  • Drug-resistant hypertension
  • High blood pressure due to hormonal disorders
  • Primary hyperaldosteronism
  • Adrenal disorders
  • Polycystic ovarian disease

Dr. Kidambi says, "My goal is to make patients comfortable enough to share their story with me. I believe that disease is just one aspect of a patient's life and there are other things in their lives that can impact their disease and its treatment. I have a passion to treat chronic diseases and spend a lot of time trying to understand the things that motivate patients who struggle with diseases which do not have an easy solution. My reward is change in their outlook and improvement in their health."

Leadership Positions

MCW Internal

  • Co-Director, MCW Medical Weight Loss and Bariatric Surgery Program
  • 2008 - Present Member, fMRI Data Safety Monitoring Board
  • 2008 - 2010 Member, Scientific Review Committee of Translational Research Unit
  • 2009 - Present Member, Intern Selection Committee, Internal Medicine Residency Program
  • 2010 - Present Member, Endocrine Fellowship Selection Committee
  • 2011 - Present Judge for MCW Research Day, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
  • 2011 - Present Member, Research Mentoring Committee
  • 2012 - Present Member, Faculty Career Development Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin


  • 2021 - Present Reviewer, American Heart Association's Transformational Project Award
  • 2021 Grant Reviewer, American Heart Association's Health Equity Research Network on Prevention of Hypertension: Strategically Focused Research Network
  • 2021 - Present Member, Clinical Committee, The Obesity Society
  • 2021 - Present Member, Oversight Advisory Committee for the AHA Health Equity Research Network (HERN) on the Prevention of Hypertension
  • 2022 - Present Reviewer, Leveraging Nutrition and Lifestyle for Diabetes Prevention Across the Life Span RFA, American Diabetes Association
  • 2022 - Present Peer Reviewer, Transformational Project Award Clinical and Population Sciences, American Heart Association
  • 02/2023 - Present Chair, Clinical Practice Committee, The Obesity Society

Research Interests

The role of body fat distribution in obesity related diseases

Obesity prevalence is increasing and is associated with significant harmful consequences on one's health. Our research is aimed at understanding why some obese adults remain healthy while others develop diseases such as diabetes or heart disease. Previous studies suggest that it may be the way the fat is distributed in our body. For example, some have fat mainly in the stomach area (apple-shaped) while other have fat distributed equally throughout the body but more so in the buttock and thigh areas (pear-shaped). Studies have suggested that those who have fat distributed in a pear-shaped fashion may be protected from negative effects of excess body weight. Fat distributed in the periphery may be a source of cellular factors that protect some subjects from negative effects of obesity.

In collaboration with a number of investigators, Dr. Kidambi and her team is currently studying the role of different fat depots on heart health and diabetes.
