
Giving to the Medical College of Wisconsin Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

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The Randolph J. Lipchik, MD Endowed Education Fund

Randolph Lipchik

In May 2006, the Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine received a letter from an anonymous source praising MCW faculty member Randolph Lipchik, MD, for the care he provided to her dying father. Included with the letter was a check for $10,000 and a request to use the money to “mold and educate fellows, so that they develop into competent, compassionate and humane physicians like Dr. Lipchik.”

Shortly after receiving the donation, the division decided to use it to establish The Randolph J. Lipchik, MD Endowed Education Fund for the purpose of training and educating Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine fellows. The fund provides the opportunity for the division to continue to build on the principal funds through additional contributions, while utilizing the interest from these funds for the purpose of educating and training their current fellows including, but not limited to funding attendance at conferences and educational meetings.

Upon creation of the endowment, many faculty members also decided to make donations, including some in lump sum payments and others who have donated over time through payroll deduction. In addition, the division launched a campaign to solicit additional monies.

The Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care Medicine & Sleep Medicine is a nationally recognized program, which provides the highest quality clinical care, trains physicians for practice and academics and attracts top medical students into the fellowship. The division has already trained almost 100 fellows who have gone on to become very successful clinicians, educators, researchers and administrators.

Fellow Statements

Valerie Bonne, MD

Valerie Bonne, MD

"Working with Dr. Lipchik during my training helped to form me into the clinician that I am today. As a medical student he showed me how to use my patients to educate myself by learning about their disease as it impacted their lives. As a fellow, in the ICU, he showed me how to be compassionate and honest with patients. He made sure to include me in difficult conversations with patients and their families. Everyday that I am in clinic I use some of the knowledge he shared with me and I remember how he stressed the importance of communicating with the primary care physicians of our patients. Dr. Lipchik's devotion to his patients is only surpassed by his devotion to the fellows that he helps train."

Saniya Khan, MD

Saniya Khan, MD

"It has been my honor to have been mentored by Dr. Lipchik. His gentle manner, yet strong pursuit for answers, in all patients simple or complicated has been one of the greatest lessons for me, in the field of medicine.

His level of knowledge is always relevant, his fund of experience vast, along with endless patience to teach wide eyed fellows year in and year out. He is well versed in the happenings of the world, and I had shared regular biweekly discussions with him on issues from near and far, particularly memorable was a historical US election.

This endowment is a well-deserved recognition of this great teacher, clinician and human being."

Muneeruddin Mohammed, MD

Muneeruddin Mohammed, MD

"It is difficult to encompass the variety of experiences that as a fellow you come across; be it in critical care, pulmonary inpatient service or pulmonary outpatient clinic. In all of these, the person you look for guidance and support is your Attending. I have been privileged that in each of these I have had Dr. Lipchik guide me.

In the clinic, we see many patients, but more often you will see referrals from other outside pulmonary physicians. These patients have had investigations without recourse and have finally come to Dr. Lipchik. His approach to the patient is thoughtful with instant empathy and rapport, allowing these difficult to treat patients an opportunity at trying to alleviate their symptoms.

In the inpatient pulmonary or in the critical care service, Dr. Lipchik will always be on hand, ready and willing to step in. He will lead you towards an assessment and formulate a plan of action, not only from medical knowledge, but also from his extensive clinical experience. He invites you to contribute, be you a medical student, resident or fellow, and creates an environment of learning and participation.

It is unsurprising that an educational fund, to further the education and training of the fellows, has been established in his name. It is without doubt an honor to be mentored by such an exceptional, compassionate and selfless individual.

It is without doubt an honor to be mentored by such an exceptional, compassionate and selfless individual."