William Hogan, MD, MS

William Hogan, MD, MS

Mary T. and Ted D. Kellner Chair of Data Science; Director, Data Science Institute; Professor, Data Science Institute; Associate Director for Data Science, Mellowes Center for Genomic and Precision Medicine


  • DSI
  • TBRC C4166

    Secondary Appointment: Department of Medicine

Contact Information


BS, Pennsylvania State University
MD, Medicine, Jefferson Medical College
MS, Intelligent Systems, University of Pittsburg


Dr. Hogan is professor and the founding director of the Data Science Institute. He has over 20 years experience in biomedical data science and informatics, including numerous leadership roles and accomplishments in building large-scale infrastructure, creating and implementing public health surveillance systems, developing and disseminating data standards, designing and validating artificial intelligence models, and innovating analysis methods. He has also created graduate programs in biomedical data science and informatics from the ground up, with their PhD graduates moving on to postdoctoral research fellowships and faculty positions at multiple institutions. He has served as research mentor to over 20 junior faculty, postdoctoral research fellows, and MS and PhD students. Over the years, he has been principal investigator or co-investigator on over $100M in grant funding, including major infrastructure grants that include as a core component the transformation of electronic health record data into a research-ready resource for observational and comparative effectiveness studies, pragmatic trials, disease surveillance, and cohort discovery for enrollment in trials. He has authored over 150 peer-reviewed publications describing this work. His core area of interest is biomedical ontology, or how to represent the types of things that are objects of study in healthcare and biomedical science in order to ensure that data are reusable and that information systems are interoperable. He is the creator and lead curator of three, major ontologies in the Open Biological and Biomedical Ontology (OBO) Foundry: the Drug Ontology, the Ontology of Medically Relevant Social Entities, and the Apollo-SV ontology. All three ontologies rank in the top 20% of OBO ontologies in terms of re-use by other OBO ontologies. He serves on the OBO Foundry Operations Committee and its Editorial Working Group.
