MCW Office of Global Health

Dr. Kristen Holland Helps to Change the Wisconsin Medicaid UM Criteria

Kristen Holland, MDDr. Kristen Holland, associate professor of dermatology, recently testified before the Wisconsin Medicaid Pharmacy Prior Authorization Advisory Committee regarding the prior authorization requirements for dupilumab. Dupilumab is a biologic medication used for the treatment of atopic dermatitis in children and adults. It has revolutionized care for patients with atopic dermatitis and ameliorated much of the suffering that comes with this disease. As a result of Dr. Holland’s testimony and advocacy, the step therapy requirements for a topical calcineurin inhibitor were eliminated. This long-overdue common-sense change will allow more patients to benefit from dupilumab. Thank you to Dr. Holland for making it easier for dermatologists to care for patients with atopic dermatitis and for patients to receive the treatments they need. She is a true hero!

Children’s Wisconsin and the Medical College of Wisconsin have government relations and advocacy departments that engage with our lawmakers on budget, policy and administrative issues. Providers and staff across our system have valuable expertise to help educate our lawmakers and advocate to improve kids’ health and well-being. To comply with Wisconsin lobbying laws and support a coordinated and collaborated advocacy approach, the government relations and advocacy departments support providers and staff to engage strategically with lawmakers and administrative staff. Providers and staff interested in participating in advocacy beyond their personal capacity – this would include referencing Children’s or MCW in their title – should contact the staff below to discuss potential engagement:

  • Jodi Bloch, Children’s Director of State & Local Government Relations (jbloch@childrenswi.org)
  • Nathan Berken, Interim Vice President, Government & Community Relations (nberken@mcw.edu)