Pediatrics Complex Care at Children's Wisconsin
The Complex Care Program at Children's Wisconsin offers comprehensive care coordination for children with multiple medical needs who do not have existing care coordination services. Our goal is to ensure families have the best possible care in and out of the hospital.
We partner with patients, families, primary care and other health care providers to improve care coordination. All patients enrolled in the Complex Care Program have a nurse case manager, a physician care coordinator, and some also have a nurse practitioner care coordinator. All patients are encouraged to have their own pediatrician or family doctor.
Mission Statement
The Medical College of Wisconsin / Children’s Wisconsin Complex Care Program is an innovative care coordination program serving medically complex and fragile children with chronic conditions. The program seeks to ensure seamless inpatient and outpatient care for this vulnerable population through partnership with their families, primary care practitioners, specialists, community resources, and payers.
Our mission is to make it possible for these children to be children, their families to be families, their primary care practitioners to provide Medical Homes, their specialists to deliver coordinated care, and their community providers to be part of the team. Through continued critical appraisal and rigorous outcomes research, we plan to make the Complex Care program both sustainable and replicable, thus ensuring that all medically complex and fragile children will have comprehensive and coordinated care.
Contact Us
Department of Pediatrics
Children's Wisconsin
P.O. Box 1997 MS C350
Milwaukee, WI 53201-1997
(414) 266-6943
(414) 266-2926 (fax)