Student Faculty Collaborate
Research Computing Center

Medical College of Wisconsin Research Computing Center


The Research Computing Center (RCC) provides the infrastructure and campus-wide access to resources required for high performance computing computationally intensive biomedical research. This includes shared hardware and research-specific software which is supported by MCW and research grants. RCC services and operations are governed by representatives of the MCW Faculty in partnership with RCC leadership.


Resources and More

For details on these services and more, please visit the Research Computing documentation site.

View the Research Computing Documentation site

HPC Cluster
The HPC cluster is MCW's primary computational resource. The cluster contains more than 3,800 CPU cores in a variety of compute node architectures, including large memory and GPUs. All compute nodes are connected by a high-speed, low latency network. The cluster also includes a 215TB scratch storage file system. 
Data Storage
In addition to the cluster's scratch storage, RCC also provides general purpose research storage with a replicated 2.6PB file system. This persistent storage is mounted on the cluster via NFS, or provided directly to user's via NFS and SMB.
Cluster software installation and tuning services are available to all users. We will help install most supported software packages on the clusters, and when able, will advise on best use for our clusters.
We are glad to help with your research data and computing needs. Consulting topics might include best practice for computing, software install, research data management, grant assistance, security, etc. Project time, software development, paid support, and other dedicated resources are not available.

Contact Us

For all questions, please email help-rcc@mcw.edu.