Members of the Community Advisory Board for MCW-Central Wisconsin advise the Campus Leadership on the development and implementation of the regional medical school programs. Drawn from prominent members of each community, the Board includes our healthcare and education partners, MCW alumni, and civic and local government representatives. Community Advisory Board Members have critical roles related to the campuses, including representing the communities they serve, providing feedback to MCW and the regional campus leadership on the impact the MCW Medical School programs are having in the community, advising the campus deans on the mission, vision, and strategic objectives, and serving as ambassadors for the campus in the community.
Academic Members
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Tiffany Atkins, PhD, ATC
Tracy Borcherdt, CSW
Metro State University
Neal Thao, MSW, EdD
Northcentral Technical College
Angela Roesler
Broader Community Members
Kathy Foley
Mary Ironside
Matt Jameson
Jim Kemerling
Karla Lodholz
Judy Russell, BSN, MSN, COHN-S, PN
Michael Smith, JD
Stephanie Smith
Nicole Thill
Clinical Members
Aspirus Health
Ryan Andrews, MD
Marshfield Clinic
David Mathias, MD
Ryan Neville
Marlene Roberts
North Central Health Care
Robert Gouthro, MD
Jill Meschke
Department of Veterans Affairs
Ernest Wayde, PhD
Forest County Potawatomi Health Division
Tom Boelter
Sara Genke
Medical College of Wisconsin Members
Lisa Dodson, MD
Kelly Mulder, MEd
Karen Ropel
Steven Bergin, MD