MSTP students in the Sahoo lab
Medical Scientist Training Program
Wasif Osmani

Wasif Osmani, PhD

M4 Student

Faculty Advisor

  • Matt Hodges, PhD, Physiology


  • Medical Scientist Training Program

Contact Information


BS, Biology with a minor in Neuroscience, Loyola University Chicago, 2016

Research Interests

Neurophysiology of breathing, Epilepsy

Research Experience

Medical College of Wisconsin, 2019-2023
Advisor: Matthew Hodges, PhD
Project: Investigating the Role of Neuroinflammation in Cognition and Cardiorespiratory Control in a Rodent Model of Recurrent Epilepsy

Loyola University Chicago 2013-2016
Advisor: Jessica Brann, PhD

University of Chicago at Illinois (UIC) 2016
Advisor: Primal de Lanerolle, PhD

National Institutes of Aging (NIA), NIH 2016-2017
Advisor: Dr. Vilhelm Bohr, MD PhD and Mustafa Okur, PhD 


Osmani WA, Gallo A, Tabor M, Eilbes M, Cook-Snyder DR and Hodges MR (2024) Repeated seizure-induced brainstem neuroinflammation contributes to post-ictal ventilatory control dysfunction. Front. Physiol. 15:1413479. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2024.1413479

Manis AD, Cook-Snyder DR, Duffy E, Osmani WA, Eilbes M, Dillard M, Palygin O, Staruschenko A, Hodges MR. Repeated seizures lead to progressive ventilatory dysfunction in SSKcnj16-/- rats. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2023 Oct 1;135(4):872-885. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00072.2023. Epub 2023 Aug 3. PMID: 37535709.

Okur MN, Mao B, Kimura R, Haraczy S, Fitzgerald T, Edwards-Hollingsworth K, Tian J, Osmani W, et al. Short-term NAD+ supplementation prevents hearing loss in mouse models of Cockayne syndrome. NPJ Aging Mech Dis. 2020 Jan 7;6:1. doi: 10.1038/s41514-019-0040-z. PMID: 31934345; PMCID: PMC6946667.

Okur MN, Lee JH, Osmani W, Kimura R, Demarest TG, Croteau DL, Bohr VA. Cockayne syndrome group A and B proteins function in rRNA transcription through nucleolin regulation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2020 Mar 18;48(5):2473-2485. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkz1242. PMID: 31970402; PMCID: PMC7049711.

Meeting Abstracts

Osmani W, Gallo A, Manis A, et al. Repeated seizures cause neuroinflammation in a time- and site-dependent manner in brainstem regions of cardiorespiratory control. American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) Annual Scientific Meeting, Chicago, IL: 2024. [Oral]

May Zangl LM, Bittencourt-Silva P, Tabor M, Lowe M, Osmani W et al. Seizures and post-ictal respiratory recovery in Kcnj16-/- Sprague-Dawley rats. American Physiological Summit (APS), Long Beach, CA. April 2023. [Poster]

Eilbes M, Manis A, Osmani W et al. Characteristics of cardiorespiratory failure preceding seizure-induced mortality in SSkcnj16-/- rats. American Physiological Summit (APS), Long Beach, CA. April 2023. [Poster]

Osmani W, Vazirabad I, Rhode N, et al. Single-nuclear RNA sequencing reveals sex-specific differences in cell composition and recruitment of neuroinflammatory pathways after repeated seizures within the NA/pre-Bötzinger Complex region. American Physiological Summit (APS), Long Beach, CA. April 2023. [Poster]

Osmani W, Gallo A, Manis A, et al. Repeated seizures cause neuroinflammation in a time-and site-dependent manner in brainstem regions of cardiorespiratory control. American Physiological Summit (APS), Long Beach, CA. April 2023. [Poster]

Osmani W, Duffy E, Manis A, et al. Single Nuclear RNA Sequencing Reveals Activation of Neuroinflammation Within the Pre-Bötzinger Complex Following Repeated Seizures. Experimental Biology, Philadelphia, PA. April 2022. [Poster]

Osmani W, Duffy E, Manis A, et al. Single Nuclear RNA Sequencing Reveals Activation of Neuroinflammation Within the Pre-Bötzinger Complex Following Repeated Seizures. 31st Annual Graduate School & Office of Postdoctoral Education Research Poster Session, Milwaukee, WI. Nov 2021. [Poster]

Osmani W. S.U.D.E.P; BioForward 2021 Biohealth Summit, Madison, WI. Oct 2021.

Osmani W, Duffy E, Manis A, et al. Single Nuclear RNA Sequencing Reveals Activation of Neuroinflammation Within the Pre-Bötzinger Complex Following Repeated Seizures. The FASEB Journal. 2021. 35: https://doi.org/10.1096/fasebj.2021.35.S1.02780

Osmani W, Duffy E, Manis A, Kasmani, M, Khatun A, Chen Y, Mouradian G, Forster H, Hodges M. Single Nuclear Transcriptomes of Raphe Cell Types May be Altered with Repeated Seizures. Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA. April 2020. [Poster]

Cory M, Osmani W, Cory K, Lamberton N, Lundh R, Young S. Creating Health Education for Constructive Knowledge in Underserved Populations (CHECK UP) Program. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT. March 2020. [90 min Workshop]

Cory M, Osmani W, Cory K, Lamberton N, Lundh R, Young S. Creating Health Education for Constructive Knowledge in Underserved Populations (CHECK UP) Program – Filling the Medical Education Gap. Society of Student-Run Free Clinics Annual Conference, Orlando, FL. March 2020. [60 min Workshop]

Cory M, Osmani W, Cory K, Lamberton N, Lundh R, Young S. Creating Health Education for Constructive Knowledge in Underserved Populations (CHECK UP) Program. AAMC Annual Meeting 2019, Phoenix, AZ. November 2019. [Poster]

Osmani W, Okur MN, Croteau D, Bohr VA. Convergence of Cockayne Syndrome group A and B Proteins on Nucleolin Regulation. NIH Postbaccalaureate Poster Day, Bethesda, MD. May 2017. [Poster]

Osmani W, Brann JH. The Role of OMP in Neuronal Regeneration and Maturation”. Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium (CAURS), Chicago, IL. April 2016. [Poster]

Osmani W, Brann JH. The Role of Chemokine Receptor 4 in Neural Regeneration. Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium (CAURS), Chicago, IL. April 2015. [Poster] 

General Interests

Reading fantasy, science fiction, painting, creative writing, cooking and learning about different global cuisines, John Williams