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George MacKinnon, PhD

George E. MacKinnon III, PhD, MS, RPh, FASHP, FNAP

Founding Dean and Professor


  • MCW School of Pharmacy
    HRC H2600

Contact Information


PhD, Loyola University, Chicago, IL
MS, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
BS, University of Wisconsin-Madison


For over 30 years, George E. MacKinnon, III, PhD, MS, RPh, FASHP, FNAP has engaged in clinical practice, research, teaching and academic administration through joint academic appointments in medicine and pharmacy at several educational institutions. Dr. MacKinnon’s previous appointments include vice president of academic affairs with the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy in Alexandria, Virginia, and director of global health economics and outcomes research of Abbott Laboratories. Dr. MacKinnon has help found and accredit four academic pharmacy programs, in three states. Dr. MacKinnon received a Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy and a Master of Science degree in Hospital Pharmacy, both from the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy. He completed two years of post-graduate clinical pharmacy residency training at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics. Dr. MacKinnon earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from Loyola University, Chicago. He is a registered pharmacist in Wisconsin.

Honors and Awards

Fellows of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (FASHP) - American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Distinguished Scholar and Fellow of the National Academies of Practice (FNAP)

Research Interests

I am committed to research (broadly defined and inclusive of the scholarship of discovery, integration, application, and teaching/learning). I subscribe to the philosophy that those engaged in the academic enterprise have an obligation to engage in research in its many forms and outcomes.  The role of a Dean is not to articulate the full research agenda of an academic program, but rather assure its compatibility within the organization and where possible foster the cross-linkages that support faculty in their pursuits.


As an educator, administrator, researcher, and clinician I have been intimately involved in developing programs in the areas of teaching, service and research (which by their nature are intertwined) in the health professions while keeping in mind advancements occurring in various healthcare technologies.  I continue to pursue areas of interest in demonstrating the value of pharmacists, models for medication adherence, population health and pharmacoeconomics, such as editing the textbook Understanding Health Outcomes and Pharmacoeconomics.


Education is to be an active, engaging and stimulating process - not a passive one. Appropriate use of instructional design and educational technologies is critical to meet the needs of today's learner, and even more so in professions where new information is continually added such as pharmacy and medicine. As educators we must recognize that students have different learning styles as well as the need to provide timely continuous formative feedback. So, while knowledge is critical in the health sciences, so too is the application of this knowledge via skills and abilities often acquired via lab simulations with standardized patients and experiential education (e.g., clinical rotations).

 George E. MacKinnon III, PhD, MS, RPh, FASHP