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The life, legacy and leadership of Michael J. Dunn, MD honored in virtual celebration

The life, legacy and leadership of Michael J. Dunn, MD honored in virtual celebration

On Friday, Feb. 11, current and former MCW leaders, faculty members and staff gathered virtually from across the country to honor the life and extraordinary legacy of Michael J. Dunn, MD, ’62, who served as Dean of the MCW School of Medicine from 1995 to 2008. Invited speakers shared comments and stories about the impact Dr. Dunn had on the institution, their careers and on themselves personally, while others shared comments in the chat box. Two of Dr. Dunn’s children also shared anecdotes from their years growing up with him.

Below are some of the comments shared. To see and read more, view the Michael J. Dunn, MD virtual celebration.

“Mike was a personal hero of mine and a mentor to me early to me in my scientific career, like he was to so many clinician-scientists who were studying the basic mechanisms of kidney cell function. Later, Mike became a mentor and a friend to me.”
John R. Raymond, Sr., MD, president and CEO

“I can tell you personally that the trajectory and success MCW has had in our research mission, and as we’ve created knowledge to change lives here at MCW, could not have been possible without Dr. Dunn’s leadership, his vision and his strategic planning.”
Joseph Kerschner, MD, provost, executive vice president, and The Julia A. Uihlein, MA, Dean of the School of Medicine

“Mike knew how critical it was to support and recruit creative-thinking men and women if we were to be considered among the top medical institutions. He was very approachable and an outgoing individual with a charming, charismatic personality, gracious, with quick wit and a wonderful sense of humor.”
Allen W. Cowley, Jr., PhD, James J. Smith & Catherine Welsch Smith Professor Emeritus and former chair of physiology

“He was a mentor – not just in medicine, but also in life. Wendy and I cherished each and every minute we got to share with Mike, Pat and their family.”
Kenneth B. Simons, MD, senior associate dean for graduate medical education and accreditation, executive director and designated institutional official of MCWAH, Inc., and professor of ophthalmology and pathology

Some comments shared in the chat include:

“I joined MCW as chair because of Mike Dunn and Mike Bolger. Mike Dunn was an extraordinary leader, a warm and wonderful person, a mentor and an inspiration. His love of science, people, food and wine ensured many, many wonderful times! Mike had a great impact on my professional life. He brought out the best in people and created a superb culture at MCW.”
Paula Traktman, PhD, dean of the College of Graduate Studies and Hirschmann Endowed Professor, Medical University of South Carolina, who served as chair of the MCW department of cell biology, neurobiology and anatomy from 1997 to 2015

“Mike Bolger was elated when Mike Dunn accepted the deanship at MCW. He knew Mike would be an excellent dean and they would be a great team! It is ironic that these friends died on the same day three years apart."
Ginny Bolger, the wife of T. Michael Bolger, JD, who served as president and CEO of MCW while Dr. Dunn was Dean

“Mike showed so much innovation as dean! One of those was supporting us to start the Center for Patient Care and Outcomes Research, which is now thriving as the Center for Advancing Population Science. Even though this type of research was very different from Mike's own research, he had the foresight to push MCW into this direction.”
Ann B. Nattinger, MD, MPH, Lady Riders Professor of Breast Cancer Research, associate provost for research and professor of medicine

View the Michael J. Dunn, MD virtual celebration

Read the full MCW obituary on Dr. Dunn

Those interested also can make a gift in celebration of Dr. Dunn’s legacy.