protein structures and brain images

Dr. Candice Klug Awarded S10 for ELEXSYS-II E500 X-Band CW EPR Spectrometer System

Candice S. Klug, PhD, James S. Hyde Professor of Biophysics, received a $471,670 S10 grant from the NIH to fund the purchase of a new X-band ELEXSYS-II E500 continuous wave (CW) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrometer system from Bruker BioSpin. Michael T. Lerch, PhD, and Jason W. Sidabras, PhD, assistant professors of biophysics, were critical contributors to the writing of the proposal. Francesca M. Marassi, PhD, professor and chair of biophysics and eminent scholar, generously contributed funds toward the purchase of a temperature control accessory to enhance the system capability. In addition, an array of researchers across MCW and nationally are essential Major and Minor Users on this highly collaborative instrumentation grant.

The enhanced sensitivity and reliability of this new instrument will significantly improve our ability to study critical biological phenomena including protein structure and functional dynamics, mechanisms of novel redox and cancer therapeutic agents, and will aid in the design of safer and more effective drugs against a broad spectrum of diseases. This state-of-the-art instrument replaces a failing 23-year-old system and will ensure the continued success of our NIH-funded research programs while also facilitating new scientific collaborations.