
MCW Cardiovascular Center Membership Guidelines

Established in 1992, the Cardiovascular Center (CVC) at the Medical College of Wisconsin has a mission to improve cardiovascular health in Southeast Wisconsin and beyond through cutting-edge research, cost-efficient and high-quality health care delivery, rigorous training of the next generation of cardiovascular scientists, and engaging the community to eliminate disparities in health outcomes.

The CVC provides membership to qualified MCW faculty and faculty at CTSI-affiliated institutions who demonstrate an interest in cardiovascular-related research coupled with an emphasis on patient- and disease-specific Signature Programs.

CVC members are expected to uphold these values and to adhere to MCW’s Code of Conduct.

How to Apply

  1. Read our membership criteria and determine the type of membership for which you would like to apply;

  2. Complete an application

  3. Update your publications and profile on the Faculty Collaboration Database

  4. All applications will be reviewed and written notification provided of the decision regarding approval and indicating the type of membership.

For a complete list of Cardiovascular Center Faculty Members please see the Faculty Collaboration Database.

Additional Information

Primary Research or Clinical Membership Eligibility Criteria

Criteria for primary membership in the CVC are as follows (at the discretion of the Director):

A full-time MCW academic appointment AND one or both of the following:

  • Research faculty whose primary laboratory space resides within the CVC.

  • Clinical or Research Faculty who actively participate in one or more of the clinical/translational Signature Programs.
Primary Research or Clinical Membership Expectations

Primary members of the CVC are expected to make meaningful contributions to the research activities of the CVC in one or more of the following ways:

  • Demonstrate a commitment to the vision of the CVC to advance an integrated program of basic, clinical and translational research related to cardiovascular medicine.

  • Share areas of expertise as mentors to junior faculty. (For senior members)

  • Participate in ad hoc review committees of funding proposals of fellow CVC members upon request.

  • Join and actively participate in an Signature Program.

  • Attend the center's meetings, seminars, review committees, task forces, retreats and related programs as appropriate.

  • Acknowledge the CVC on all publications (i.e. peer-reviewed manuscripts/book chapters), in oral/poster presentations, grant submissions and media announcements.

  • Pursue extramural funding as a Principal Investigator on a NIH or other national/regional peer-reviewed, cardiovascular-related research grant or Foundation award (as defined by CVC Director) OR
    • Serve as a Principal Investigator of cardiovascular clinical trial OR
    • Serve as protocol chairperson for a national peer-reviewed (e.g. CTEP) clinical trial OR
    • Serve as a senior leader of a national peer-reviewed funded cooperative group.
  • Sustain cardiovascular-related publications (during previous three years) in peer-reviewed professional journals (Research only) or maintain PI status of a minimum of one (1) IRB approved active research protocol (Clinical only)

  • Upon request, submit a yearly report (< three pages) to CVC administration of publications, grant submissions and awards, collaborative efforts with other CVC members, and mentoring, service-related, and community engagement activities.
Primary Research or Clinical Membership Benefits
  • Eligibility to apply as Principal Investigator for CVC pilot awards (1-2 year grants awarded on a competitive basis for the support of novel multidisciplinary research).

  • Priority access and negotiated rates to use current and future CVC core resources (equipment; technical).

  • Free biostatistical support

  • Higher priority for access to CVC research office/lab space.

  • Access to philanthropic funds directed to CVC-specific programs (as appropriate).

  • Most direct access to expert colleagues and team science collaborators via membership in one of MCW's highly translational research programs and Signature Programs.

  • Eligibility for leadership positions within the CVC.
Affiliate Membership

Affiliate membership is designated for faculty who make meaningful contributions to the research, education, patient care, and community outreach activities of cardiovascular medicine, but do not meet the above criteria for primary membership. Affiliate membership may also be appropriate for faculty whose primary membership is with another institutional Center, but who wish to be involved with the CVC community.

Affiliate Membership Eligibility Criteria
Affiliate Membership Expectations

Affiliate member expectations include:

  • Submission as PI or co-PI on a cardiovascular related grant OR
    • Active participation in clinical trial development and/or patient accrual OR
    • Contributions to multidisciplinary clinical program development, including clinical outcomes and research (screening, prevention and therapeutics).
  • Regular presentation of data at internal or external scientific meetings.

  • Publication as contributing author on peer-reviewed articles/book chapters.

  • Collaborative efforts via grants, publications or active membership in Signature Programs.

  • Service on various CVC committees when called upon.

  • Recognition of CVC support on publications, abstracts, and grants, when appropriate.

  • Upon request, submit a yearly report (< three pages) to CVC administration of publications, grant submissions and awards, collaborative efforts with other CVC members, and mentoring, service-related, and community engagement activities.
Affiliate Membership Benefits
  • Access to current and future CVC core resources, including free biostatistical support and access to CVC share equipment.

  • Potential for enhanced interaction and collaboration via membership in one of CVC's Signature Programs.

Contact Us

Allison DeVan, PhD
Academic Program and Research Consultant

(414) 955-5617 | adevan@mcw.edu

Cardiovascular Center
Medical College of Wisconsin
8701 Watertown Plank Rd.
Milwaukee, WI 53226