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About the Medical College of Wisconsin Center for Advancing Population Science (CAPS)

The purposes of the Center are to conduct research on patient care services and related health outcomes, to facilitate a supportive environment for MCW investigators new to this area, to determine the need for and recruit new faculty in targeted methodologic areas, and to sponsor a health services research seminar series as a forum for the exchange of ideas.


Develop, test and implement innovative strategies for transforming healthcare that optimizes quality, value and cost.


To become a global leader in healthcare transformation through innovative research.

Strategic Goals

Accelerate Discovery

Accelerate Discovery

Build a cohesive and dynamic research infrastructure that rapidly adapts to the changing environment.
Health Starts from Within

Health Starts from Within

Recruit and mentor a cadre of multi-disciplinary investigators.
Health of Our Community

Health of Our Community

Build healthier communities and eliminate inequalities in health at the local, national and international level.
Preferred Choice

Preferred Choice

Disseminate and implement evidence-based strategies to transform healthcare.
Think Next Gen

Think Next Gen

Create pathways for health services researchers and innovators.

Health Services Research

Health Services Research is a multidisciplinary field that incorporates research on social factors, financing systems, organizational structures and processes, health technology, and health behaviors. It offers a unique position to understand how access to care, systems and costs of care, and the social determinants of health intersect to create disparities and influence health. For that reason, CAPS is a multidisciplinary team of researchers covering a variety of disease areas, spanning influence from individuals to health systems to policy.

Population Science

Population Science looks across the entire spectrum of factors that can impact health outcomes. These health factors include the realms of healthcare, individual health behaviors, environmental factors, social and economic factors, policies, and genetic determinants of health. Researchers in the field of Population Science come from various disciplines, such as Public Health, Medicine, Pharmacy, Economics, Demography, and Urban Planning. These researchers work together to solve major health concerns facing population groups.

CAPS provides the expertise and new knowledge to help providers and health systems incorporate social determinants of health into care, implement strategies to eliminate disparities by race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or geographic location common in healthcare, and design systems that minimize costs and maximize quality. The Center aims to influence local neighborhoods, the health systems in Wisconsin and throughout the US, and the global community through innovative and collaborative research designed to improve population health.

Center Infrastructure

Center Pillars of Operations

Center Pillars of Operations

Center Pillars of Operation strengthen the overall infrastructure of the center by ensuring the continuity of all center activities are efficient, effective, and strategic.
Center Programs

Center Programs

Center Programs are topic areas where several funded investigators carry out projects, develop new grant submissions based on their work, and train junior faculty in conducting high quality health services research in the area.

Center Leadership


Joni S. Williams, MD, MPH

Associate Professor; Director, Center for Advancing Population Science (CAPS)