Research Collaborate Lab Hall

Medical College of Wisconsin Center for Immunology Shared Resources

Immune Metabolomics and Cell Analytics


The Seahorse XF Pro Analyzer measures mitochondrial respiration, glycolosis, and ATP production in live cells in a 96-well format. 

Manager: Donna McAllister

Location: TBRC 3rd Floor C3773

Incucyte S3

The Incucyte S3 derives deeper and more physiologically relevant informaiton about your cells - plus real-time kinetic data. It automatically acquires and analyzes images around the clock, providing an information-rich analysis that is easy to achieve.

Manager: Donna McAllister

Location: TBRC 3rd Floor C3773

Immunology Consulting and Mentoring

The C4I offers free consultation for faculty, students and staff at MCW and our academic partners to provide general knowledge in immunology and more focused guidance for publications and grant submissions.

Find a Mentor

Graduate trainees, postdoctoral fellows, and clinical fellows looking for assistance in finding an immunology mentor can reach out to the Center for Immunology. View current faculty members  

Model Systems

  • Mouse models
  • B-cell
  • Human Studies
  • T-cell
  • Mast cells
  • Fibroblasts
  • Epithelial
  • Plasma Cells
  • Innate Lymphoid Cells


  • Chromatography
  • Flow Cytometry
  • Imaging
  • Mass-spectrometry
  • HPLC
  • Multiplex
  • Immune Assays
  • Autoradiography
  • NMR
  • X-ray Crystallography
  • RNA Sequencing
  • Incucyte or Cell Based Assays

Research Focus

  • Autoimmunity
  • Solid Tumors
  • Inflammatory
  • Infectious Disease - Bacterial & Viral
  • Hematologic Cancers
  • Transplantation
  • Microbiome
  • Molecular Profiling
  • Host Defense


Meet an Immunologist
The Center for Immunology Consulting and Mentoring Service provides an online survey to process and expedite your inquiry. All members are invited to use the following link to submit their request directly to the Center. Once submitted, the Center will best align your needs to one of our consultants or mentors.  Our consultants are internal and external with broad experience in all areas of focus in immunology. 

Consulting and Mentoring Survey


Shared instruments to measure and profile immune cells, measure proteins, detect and quantify cellular functions of immune cells.
Cell Therapy Lab Resources

Bryon Johnson, PhD | Director, Cell Therapy Lab

Tyce Kearl, MD, PhD | Assistant Director, Cell Therapy Lab

Berkeley Lights Lightning Optofluidics Platform
This is a novel optofluidic platform that allows one to visualize the phenotype & function of individual cells on a microchip that contains 1500 chambers. 

This chip-based platform analyzes single cells for the production of 32 human cytokines or 28 mouse cytokines and effector molecules including effector, stimulatory, chemoattractive, regulatory and inflammatory mediators.

Luminex Flexmap 3D
The FLEXMAP 3D® system combines differentially dyed fluorescent microsphere sets with an innovative instrument design to enable precise, flexible, rapid multiplexing of up to 500 unique assays within a single sample.

MACSQuant 10 Flow Cytometer
This flow cytometer is a 10-parameter, 8-color flow cytometry analyzer that uses a CAR T Cell Express Mode Package design or one can create their own flow cytometry panels.

xCELLigence RTCA 6-Plate System
This instrument allows for measurement of immune cell cytotoxicity or cell death in a 96-well format.

Learn more about the Cell Therapy Lab's shared resources.

CRI Resources

Calvin Williams, MD, PhD | Director, CRI Lab

Galina Petrova, PhD | FLOW Core Manager

The FACSAria II operator-assisted high speed cell sorting in both standard and BSL-2+ modes. It has a 13 color 15-parameter custom-made high-speed digital bench-top cell sorter equipped with four adjustable excitation lasers (100 mW Blue, 50 mW 561nm Green, 100 mW Red and 100 mW violet).

The LSRII is a multi-laser flow cytometer that utilizes fixed-alignment lasers that transmit light reflected by mirrors through a flow cell to user-defined octagon and trigon arrays. These fluorescence signals are collected and translated to electronic signals then converted to digital data.

A two-laser (488nm, 615 nm), four-color, six-parameter, bench-top analyzer used primarily for evaluating surface and intracellular antigen expression, apoptosis detection, bead-based cytokine detection and cell-cycle analysis.

LSRFortessa X20
The analyzer can be configured with up to 5 lasers to detect up to 20 parameters simultaneously to support ever increasing demands in multicolor flow cytometry. A wide range of up to 34 laser choices is available as excitation sources, including blue, red, violet, yellow-green, and UV.

Wolf Cell Sorter
The sorter uses a totally different approach compared to conventional jet-in-air cell sorters. This is critical for sensitive cells like Stem Cells where high pressures can damage cells and affect their biological behavior. With an on-chip fast valve, NanoCellect’s sorting mechanism gently guides cells into collection channels.

Chromium Single Cell Gene Expression- 10X Genomics
Chromium Single Cell Immune Profiling analyzes full length paired B-cell or T-cell receptors, surface protein expression, antigen specificity, and gene expression, all from a single cell.

BRI Resources

William Cashdollar, PhD | Director, Versiti Research Core Labs & Facilities

Benedetta Bonacci | Flow Core Laboratory Operator

Brad Best | Viral Vector Senior Research Technologist

Erin Yttre | Hybridoma & Microscopic Imaging Core Laboratory Operator

Marie Schulte, PhD | Microscopic Imaging Core Laboratory Operator

Flow Cytometry Core
Flow Cytometry Core contains Becton Dickinson cytometer systems; BD LSRII Cytometer, BD FACS Celesta, BD FACSAria Cell Sorter, BD FACS Melody Cell Sorter and Accuri C6 - Learn more about the Flow Cytometry Core

Viral Vector Core
Viral Vector Core provides services in the areas of vector design, gene silencing and protein expression, including construction, amplification, purification and titration - Learn more about the Viral Vector Core

Hybridoma Core
Hybridoma Core provides services and products related to the production of monoclonal antibodies.Basic procedures include mouse immunization, with immunogen provided by requestor. Subsequent boost and bleeds are done to check antibody titer in the animal. Spleen cells are fused with a non immunoglobulin-secreting mouse myeloma cell line - Learn more about the Hybridoma Core

Single Cell Core

Microscopic Imaging
Microscopic Imaging Core provides researchers access to a wide variety of microscope systems. The Core Lab staff trains users and provides guidance with image acquisition and analysis - Learn more about the Microscopic Imaging Core

Learn more about the Versiti Research Core Lab
Additional Shared Resources


L. William Cashdollar, PhD | Director


Amit Joshi, PhD | Director

Spectrum CT
IVIS 100

Center for Infectious Disease Research 

Neuroscience Research Center



Transgenic cell lines and eukaryotic organisms engineered and available for shared use by MCW researchers.
Transgenic Expression

CXCR3a; CXCR3b; CXCR3a/b expressing Molt 4; Jurkat; SupT1; & Hh cell lines
Dwinell Lab 

tdTomato/luciferase THP-1 & tdTomato/luciferase U-937
Dwinell Lab 

Eukaryotic Organisms

C. albicans- several lab strains, KO strains, and transgenic strains
Huppler Lab 

C. glabrata- reference strain
Huppler Lab 

C. auris- multiple strains from CDC
Huppler Lab

Preclinical (mouse)

Knockout (Global)

Dwinell Lab 

Tarakanova Lab 

Tarakanova Lab 

Tarakanova Lab 

Tarakanova Lab 

Tarakanova Lab 

IL-10 KO
Lochhead Lab 

IL12p40 KO
Kroner-Milsch Lab (VA transfer)

Kroner-Milsch Lab (VA transfer) 

IL17ra KO
Huppler Lab 

Huppler Lab 

IL23p19 KO ( MTA from Genentech)
Kroner-Milsch Lab (VA transfer) 

Hemopexin KO
Kroner-Milsch Lab (VA transfer) 

Kroner-Milsch Lab (VA transfer) 

Huppler Lab 

Knockout (Conditional)

KRas G12D; p53 mutant; p48-Cre
Dwinell and Lomberk Labs 

STAT1fl/fl (crossed to LyzM-Cre, CD19-Cre, or dLck-Cre)
Tarakanova Lab 

IRF-1fl/fl (crossed to CD19-Cre or dLck-Cre)
Tarakanova Lab 

IL-1R1 fl/fl (crossed to CD19-Cre or dLck-Cre)
Tarakanova Lab

Shp1 fl/fl (crossed to CD19-Cre)
Tarakanova Lab 


MHC-II reporter B6
Lochhead Lab

Partner Centers and Resources

Contact information and brief description of expertise and additional shared resources on campus.
Biostatistics Consulting Service

Biostatistics Consulting Services include assistance with design and analysis of clinical trials, observational studies, surveys, assistance with public databases, sample size and power calculations and interpretation.

learn about the Bioconsulting Consulting Service

Center for Biomedical Mass Spectrometry Research

The Center for Biomedical Mass Spectrometry Research (MS Center) can assist investigators in completing simple projects using predefined fee-for-service workflows. This unique collaborative model enables them to offer a broader range of customized analysis types beyond what you might find in a typical “core” facility.

Learn about Biomedical Mass Spectrometry Research

Linda T. and John A. Mellowes Center for Genomic Sciences and Precision Medicine 

The Mellowes Center invites investigators of all disciplines and experience levels to a complimentary consultation with their subject matter experts.

Learn about the Mellowes Center

Program in Chemical Biology
Brian Volkman, PhD | Director

Brian Smith | Associate Director

The Program in Chemical Biology (PCB) provides resources in structure-based drug design, protein production, and organic synthesis to the MCW community for chemical biology and medicinal chemistry projects. The PCB encourages investigators interested in the development and use of small molecules for basic and translational research to take advantage of its capabilities which include; small-molecule library screening using NMR and other biophysical techniques, recombinant protein expression and purification, organic synthesis, and computational docking and homology modeling of proteins and small-molecule: protein interactions

Learn about the Program in Chemical Biology