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Registration is Now Open for Award Luncheon on May 9, 2025!

Registration is now open for the 2025 President’s Community Engagement Award Luncheon. The award recognizes exemplary community-academic partnerships, community-engaged research and community outreach activities and programs of MCW faculty, staff, students and community partners. Join us for lunch on Friday, May 9, 2025, from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at MCW-Milwaukee to honor this year’s awardees (TBA early April) and learn about their remarkable work.
register to attend the award luncheon

Accepting Nominations through February 14

Awardees will be recognized for their achievements during a ceremony held on Friday, May 9, 2025, from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at the MCW-Milwaukee campus.
Nomination Criteria
  • Individuals and organizations are eligible for nomination regardless of previous nominations.
  • Only individuals and organizations who have not received the award in the past 5 years are eligible to be nominated.
  • Those who submitted a nomination in the past may resubmit this year - please contact the MCW Community Engagement Office for details on how to proceed.
  • Nominations can be made by:
    •  An individual who is a staff member, faculty member, student, or alumni of MCW.
  • Nominations can be for:
    • An individual who is a staff member, faculty member, student, or alumni of MCW; or
    • A community partner of MCW (this may include individuals or organizations that are external to MCW such as affiliated healthcare organizations, government and non-government organizations); or
    • A community program that is administered by an MCW faculty or staff member or student in partnership with an MCW community partner.
    • A single nomination can be for a team of two or more individuals. Please note that in this case the nomination and supporting letters should be written about the team, and not as separate letters per individual. However, each team member should submit an individual resumé/CV/biosketch.
  • For your reference, download a PDF version of the online nomination form below.

sample online nomination form

Nomination Procedure
  • Before beginning the nomination process, please ensure that the Nominee(s) are aware that you are nominating them for this award. 
  • The 2025 Award Ceremony will be held at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, May 9 at the MCW-Milwaukee campus and all awardees will be expected to attend, so please share this information with your Nominee(s). 
  • Nominations must be submitted using our online REDCap form.
  • The online form must be completed in its entirety and submitted with all necessary documents by the extended deadline of Sunday, February 23 @ 11:59 pm.
  • Required documents to be submitted using the online form include:
    1. Nomination letter from MCW faculty member, MCW staff member, or MCW student (maximum of 2 pages)
    2. One supporting letter depending on the type of nomination (maximum of 2 pages):
      • MCW faculty, staff, or student award nomination: letter from a community partner with knowledge of the Nominee’s community engagement efforts.
      • Community partner award nomination: letter from a non-MCW partner with knowledge of the Nominee’s community engagement efforts. Partner could be from the Nominee’s organization, a different organization, or a non-MCW academic institution.
    3. Nominee's resumé, CV or bio sketch (maximum of 5 pages)
  • Optional materials:
    • Additional supporting documentation of honors, articles, and press releases. Please note advertising, images, spacing, or extraneous content will not be counted toward the 2-page limit (maximum of 2 pages); or
    • Video upload that highlights the community-academic partnership, community-engaged research, or community outreach of Nominee(s). Please note that it is not expected to be a professionally produced video, but rather an alternative format for someone to speak into the merit of the Nominee. Video should be no longer than 2 minutes.
  • All final submissions should be submitted using the online form linked below.

submit a nomination

Nomination Letter Examples
Review Process
  • Nominations will be reviewed by members of the Community Engagement Award Committee.
  • Review criteria include: 
    • Institutional and community impact and outcomes
    • Strength of community partnership
    • Effort and commitment given towards partnership/project
    • Evidence of exceptionalism in partnership/project
    • Overall merit
  • Results of the reviews will be vetted by the Senior Associate Dean for Community Engagement who will consult with committee members as needed.
  • Recommendations will be submitted to the President of MCW who will then render the final decision as to the recipients of the award.
Awardee Recognition
  • Each awardee will be recognized for their exemplary work in Community Engagement and will:
    • Be featured as an awardee at the 2025 President’s Community Engagement Award Ceremony to be held at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, May 9, 2025, at the MCW-Milwaukee campus.
    • Receive a personalized plaque.
    • Have name engraved on the MCW Plaque of Awardees, located in the Office of the Senior Associate Dean for Community Engagement.
    • Be featured in the MCW President’s Community Engagement Award Program.
    • Receive special recognition on MCW websites and social media platforms.

About the Award

The Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) President’s Community Engagement Award recognizes the exemplary community-academic partnerships, community engaged research (CEnR), or community outreach activities and programs of faculty, staff, students and/or community partners of MCW. view all award recipients

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