Farmer's Market

REDIRECT Conference October 20, 2021

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Session I: Prematurity, Evictions, and 3rd Grade Outcomes

Epidemiology & Early Childhood Development

Examining the Association between Gestational Age and Academic Achievement among 3rd Grade Students in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The effects of neighborhood deprivation and eviction rates on children’s performance on standardized test

Presenters: Dr. Laura Cassidy, Dr. Sergey Tarima, Dr. Julia Dickson-Gomez

Panelists: Danae Davis, Michele Wink, Dr. Mel Stewart 

Download Session I: Prematurity, Evictions, and 3rd Grade Outcomes Slide Deck

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Session II: Keynote

Using an Integrated Data Systems Approach to Enhance Early Childhood Wellbeing & Equity

Presenter: Dr. John Fantuzzo

Panelists: Ann Terrell, Tamara Johnson, Dr. Tracey Sparrow

Download Session II: Keynote Slide Deck

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Session III: Structural Determinants, Developmental Screening, and Health Equity Framework

Pediatric Systems of Care and Health Equity: A Qualitative Study

Value of Education, Improvement in Screening and Advocacy for Policy Investments

Human Flourishing, Justice and Solidarity

Presenters: Dr. Staci Young, Dr. John Meurer, Dr. Fabrice Jotterand

Panelist: Danae Davis, Leah Jepson, Kelly Matthews

Download Session III: Structural Determinants, Developmental Screening, and Health Equity Framework Slide Deck

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Session IV: Pilot Grants & Closing Remarks

Pediatric Efficacy of a Peer-Based In-Home Educational Program in Improving Social-Emotional Outcomes of Parents and Children:

An Outdoor Play Intervention to Increase Physical Activity and Resilience Among 2-5 Year Olds

Improving Interagency Information Exchange to Address Child Heath Disparities

Creating Early Childhood Intervention Data Standards

Leading with Love: Family-Centered Services for Milwaukee’s Children

Milwaukee Centralized Assessment Repository for Equity Studies (MKE Cares)

Presenters: Dr. Jennifer Koop, Courtney Jankowski, Dr.  Constance Gundacker, Dr. David Nelson/Kristin Kappelman, Leah Jepson/Dr. Katherine Quinn, Catie Carter

Panelists/Community Partners: Lisa Coombs-Gerou, Kristin Kappelman, Leah Jepson

Closing Remarks: Daria Hall

Download Session IV: Pilot Grants & Closing Remarks Slide Deck