MKE L.O.S.S. Support and Resources for Healing
The following resources have been compiled through active outreach to individuals who have experienced a suicide loss in Milwaukee County. This information has been most relevant and beneficial to those newly bereaved. If you live outside of Southeast Wisconsin, please visit Prevent Suicide Wisconsin Loss Survivor Resources for resources in your area.
If you have questions, would like help navigating these resources, would like to provide suggestions for additional resources, or would like to support the active outreach work, please contact Tricia Monroe, MKE L.O.S.S. Program Manager.
If you or someone you care about is in need, 988 offers 24/7 judgement-free support for mental health, substance use, and more. Text, call, or chat 988.
Receive support from the MKE L.O.S.S. TeamSuicide Loss Resources and Information

For a PDF version of the resources listed above, please see MKE L.O.S.S. Postvention Resources (PDF).
This project is being supported, in whole or in part, by federal award number SLFRP0135 awarded to the Medical College of Wisconsin via the Wisconsin Department of Administration by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
Resources for Suicide Loss Survivors
Milwaukee County Resources (PDF)
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Request Support from MKE L.O.S.S. Team
Resources for the Community
Resources for Those Supporting Others: Individuals, Businesses, Agencies & Schools (PDF)Resources to Start Postvention in Your Community
Wisconsin Suicide Postvention Community of Practice-2023/2024 (PDF)Responding to Grief, Trauma & Distress After a Suicide: U.S. National Guidelines (PDF)
Contact the Division of Suicide Research and Healing
We would love to chat with you about any of our research or programming! Contact us using the information below.
Sara Kohlbeck, PhD, MPH
(414) 955-7667
Tricia Monroe, MEd, MCHES
Postvention Program Manager
Neal Davis, BA
Postvention Program Coordinator