Milwaukee skyline at dusk

MCW Comprehensive Injury Center Training and Education

M3-M4 Research Elective

Injury remains a significant public health problem and has been called, "the neglected disease of modern society." In the United States and in Wisconsin, injury is the leading cause of premature death for all individuals, exceeding heart disease and cancer; injury is the leading cause of all deaths for individuals aged one to 44 years old.

Physicians play a vital role in injury prevention and control because of their direct experiences caring for injured patients and their perspectives on effective population-based intervention strategies. By participating in injury control and prevention research, physicians are able to have a substantial impact on all aspects of injury from population-based prevention strategies to treatment and rehabilitation guidelines. 

CIC Lecture Series on Gun Violence

Gun Violence: Session 1

Gun Violence: Session 1

"Gun Violence - A Biopsychosocial Disease" presented by Stephen Hargarten, MD, MPH
View Session 1
Gun Violence: Session 2

Gun Violence: Session 2

"The Biology (and physics) of Firearm Injury" presented by David J. Milia, MD, FACS
View Session 2