Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission
Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission

Homicide and Nonfatal Shooting Dashboards

Thank you for visiting the Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission (MHRC) data dashboard. Included in this interactive information sharing tool are nonfatal shootings and homicides occurring in the city of Milwaukee. Data will be refreshed at least monthly. The dashboards are a collaborative effort between the MHRC and the Milwaukee Police Department. We welcome feedback and suggestions for future changes or enhancements to the dashboards and hope this information is valuable to all of our partners in our collective work to reduce violence in Milwaukee. Learn more about previous reports
MHRC Dashboards


There are many individuals, agencies and organizations throughout the City of Milwaukee, the State of Wisconsin, and across the nation that we must thank for their ongoing support and partnership in the Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission. In particular, we want to acknowledge the Milwaukee Police Department as a key partner in the homicide review process, data collection, and reporting, as well as the members of the MHRC Executive Committee whose support and guidance have led the way to ensure the success of the Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission.

We also thank community service providers, neighborhood associations, residents, law enforcement, representatives of the criminal justice system, and others who have and continue to participate in the review process. Without your knowledge and expertise, we would not be able to accomplish this important work.

Over the years, the Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission activities have been funded, in part, by the Greater Milwaukee Foundation - Wisconsin Partnership Program; University of Wisconsin Madison - School of Medicine and Public Health; US Department of Justice - Project Safe Neighborhoods; US Department of Justice - Office of Community-Oriented Policing Services and US Department of Justice Violence Against Women Act. We also want to thank the Bob and Linda Davis Family Fund for supporting the continued work of the MHRC.