MCW Consent Form Templates
To find the appropriate Consent Form Templates, first select whether your project is considered Minimal Risk or Greater Than Minimal Risk.

Minimal Risk
Minimal risk projects typically involve observation, interviews, audio recording, surveys, or focus group discussion. Other activities that may be considered minimal risk are blood draws, MRIs, and community or educational interventions.
Access consent forms for minimal risk
Greater Than Minimal Risk
Greater than Minimal Risk projects typically involve clinical interventions, such as drugs, devices, or surgery. Certain additional activities, such as blood draws above a certain amount, biopsies, and x-rays are also considered greater than minimal risk according to federal regulations.
Access consent forms for greater than minimal riskAdditional Templates and Supplemental Documents
Which Template Should I Use?
If you have a question about which template is appropriate for your study (Clinical Intervention, Minimal Risk, NCI- or Banking) or have a special circumstance that does not fit the available templates, please contact IRB Office.
For additional guidance on unique situations relating to consent, find IRB Guidance on the IRB Policies and Procedures web page.
New studies may use the Word templates below (Keep checking back for recently updated versions!)
All continuing studies and amendment applications should continue to use their already-approved consent forms
What if I Want to Change the Required Language?
Sample language, which can be used, modified, or deleted as needed for your study is in blue type.
IRB-required template language is in black type and can not be modified without IRB approval
If you propose a change to required language, complete and submit an ICF Template Change Form Request (DOCX)