PDAT logo on blue background with neuron field

PDAT People

The research team at the Pelvic Diagnostics & Therapeutics Laboratory specializes in neuromodulation of the pelvic floor. In addition, the team at works closely with internal collaborators at the Medical College of Wisconsin, as well as external collaborators from the Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction Research Network and Duke University. 

Members of PDAT Lab

Led by lab director Dr. Jim Hokanson, the team at the Pelvic Diagnostics and Therapeutics Laboratory specializes in lower urinary tract and pelvic floor dysfunction, biomedical engineering, predictive modeling, and urodynamic data analysis. Learn more below.


Jim Hokanson, PhD

Assistant Professor, Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering


Wei He

Graduate Student


Farshad Samadifam

Graduate Student

Collaborators from MCW

Internal collaborators of the PDAT Lab include members of the Translational Interdisciplinary Genito-Urinary Research team at the Medical College of Wisconsin, as well as select faculty from the Marquette University and MCW Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering.


Bradley H. Crotty, MD, MPH, FACP, FAMIA

Associate Professor, Medicine (General Internal Medicine)


Emily R. W. Davidson, MD

Assistant Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology


Kathryn Flynn, PhD

Professor, Vice Chair for Research


Aaron Mickle, PhD

Associate Professor


Joan Neuner, MD, MPH

Professor, Medicine (General Internal Medicine)


Kajana Satkunendrarajah, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery; Physiology

External Collaborators

PDAT Lab works with investigators from the Symptoms of Lower Urinary Tract Research Network, also known as LURN. 
John DeLancey, MD
LURN Organ Collaborator

Anna Kirby, MD
LURN Organ Collaborator

Claire Yang, MD
LURN Organ Collaborator

Wilkins Aquino, PhD
Urodynamic Data Analyst

Jon Routh, MD
Urodynamic Data Analyst

Whitney Hendrickson, MD
Prediction Modeling Specialist