Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Medicine Current Residents

Resident Life
We recognize the importance of a personal and professional life throughout one's residency training program. We strive to provide a collegial, supportive, and nurturing environment for all our housestaff. This is done through careful planning and attention to residents' individual schedules, call responsibilities, and support from residency program leadership.
Each resident class has a yearly retreat where the entire class is excused from all duties. These retreats include free time to spend socially as a class as well as structured time for open discussion about the program, career and financial planning, along with mental wellness. This is a highlight for our residents each year.
A series of social gatherings are scheduled throughout the year including; tennis matches/lawn games, holiday party, picnics, and end-of-year festivities. Our residents have created a Wellness Committee, a Family Task Force, and frequently get together for biking, running, or trivia nights.
The Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals (MCWAH) also has the Residents' Spouse/Significant Other Association, which a wonderful support group for residents’ significant others and families.