close-up image of two gloved hands performing an experiment

MCW EPR Center Resources

Faculty, staff, and engineering expertise is available in the application of EPR spectroscopy to structural biology, biological free radicals, metalloproteins, high pressure studies, and technology development. 

Equipment & Resources

EPR Spectrometers

Bruker ELEXSYS EPR Spectrometer Systems (2)
Special Features
Super X bridge, high dynamic range (90 dB), X-band, 10-inch magnet, Super Hi-Q resonator, ER 4103TM cylindrical resonator, ER 4116DM dual-mode TE102/TE012 resonator ER 4117D-R dielectric resonator, ER 4117D-M dielectric mixing resonator, ER 4119HS-WI high-sensitivity optical resonator, and liquid nitrogen cryostat. One of the ELEXSYS spectrometers is equipped with field frequency lock, helium cryostat, Bruker DICE ENDOR with ENH01252 cavity, A300 RF power amplifier (0.3–35 MHz), and 3100L RF power amplifier (250 kHz–105 MHz). Bruker E-600 series W-band CW-EPR (including W-band cylindrical resonator, W-band bridge, superconducting magnet, room temperature sweep coils, and cryostat).

Bruker ELEXSYS 580 Pulsed Spectrometer
Special Features
Pulse X-band spectrometer and Q-band with DEER, DQC, and ENDOR capabilities at cryogenic temperatures.

To measure long-range distances between paramagnetic probes and/or coupled nuclei within biomedically relevant proteins and peptides.

Bruker EMX Spectrometer
Special Features
Standard high-quality X-band research instrument.

Photoexcited paramagnetic states; spin-label studies; spin-label studies of cellular membrane fluidity and oxygen uptake.

Time-Domain ESR Spectrometer at 9 GHz with 9-inch Magnet
Special Features
Saturation recovery capability to 0.1 µs; very high-speed data acquisition system.

Measurement of T1 of spin labels; measurement of transient response of spin systems to various excitations.

Low-Frequency EPR Spectrometer Station
Special Features
CW and NARS spectroscopy at 0.5–1 GHz, 1–2 GHz, 2–4 GHz, and 4–8 GHz at temperatures down to 15–20 K.

Transition metal EPR studies, protein distance measurements.

Varian E-9 EPR Multifrequency Spectrometer
Special Features
0.5–1 GHz bridge; L-band 1-2 GHz bridge; S-band 2–4 GHz bridge; C-band 4–8 GHz bridge; K-band 18 GHz bridge; Q-band 35 GHz bridge; various loop-gap resonators; liquid helium cooling at all of the above frequencies (down to 15–20 K).

Transition metal EPR; forbidden transitions; in vivo studies on mice; study of very small samples at 35 GHz.

Varian E-109 Century Series EPR Spectrometers
Special Features
Field-frequency locks; photomodulation from dc to 5 kHz; saturation transfer spectroscopy; excellent sensitivity; loop-gap resonators.

EPR of free radicals in solution; EPR of metal complexes in frozen solution; photoexcited paramagnetic states; spin-label studies; spin-label studies of cellular membrane fluidity and oxygen uptake.

Modified Varian E-110 Q-Band (35 GHz) Spectrometer Station
Special Features
High sensitivity, low phase noise Q-band microwave bridge on a varian-based console and magnet system.

Multiquantum Q-Band Spectrometer with 10-inch Bruker Magnet
Special Features
Multiquantum and saturation recovery spectroscopy at 35 GHz.

Resolution of multiple spectral components that arise from conformational equilibria.

W-Band Spectrometer
Special Features
92.5–95.5 GHz CW and saturation recovery spectrometer. Can measure T1s to 200 ns.

Specialized for use with room-temperature liquid-phase aqueous samples.

Machine Shop Equipment

Dyna Myte 3000 H CNC lathe; three- and four-jaw chucks; 5C collet chuck; downloading program adapter; CNC Automation M3X controller software

Autodesk CNC Feature CAM software

12-inch manual Jet lathe; three- and four-jaw chucks; 5C collet chuck; 5C collets; three-jaw tailstock rotating chuck with Morse Taper Shank; Tapaz readout

10-inch manual Clausing lathe; three- and four-jaw chucks; 3C collets; Acu-Rite TurnMate readout

Levin variable-speed jewelers lathe with collet set

Bridgeport retrofit four-axis CNC Mill; CNC Automation M3X controller; CNC 12-inch forth axis turntable; 8-inch Kurt vice

Bridgeport manual milling machine, 6-inch vice, and collet set; 12-inch manual turntable; 6-inch manual holding chuck; Acu-Rite MillMate readout

Enco manual milling machine and collet set; Kurt 6-inch vice and MillMate readout

Servo 6-inch jewelers milling machine; collet set; 4-inch Servo vice

Finn Speedex 360 indexing fixture; 5C collet adaptor; 5C 3-inch chuck adaptor

Delta 6-inch belt sander

Delta 14-inch band saw

Baldor 6-inch Carbide tool grinder

Wilton 15-inch variable-speed drill press; 4-inch adjustable drill press vice

Mitutoyo 12-inch height gauge

Brown & Sharp 1- to 6-inch micrometer set

Starrett gauge block set and pin sets (0.11 to 0.750 diameter)

5C collet set (0.62 to 1.125 diameter) and 332 and 164 sets

Carver laboratory 24-inch press

Finger 36-inch brake 16-guage capacity

Di-Acro Houdaille 16-gauge capacity hand sheer

Electronic Equipment

Agilent E5505A Phase Noise Measurement System

Agilent N5242A PNA-X Network Analyzer (heads to 240 GHz)

Agilent E8363C PNA Network Analyzer (50 MHZ to 40 GHz)

Agilent N9030A PXA Signal Analyzer (3 Hz–44 GHz)

Agilent Spectrum Analyzers to 100 GHz

Agilent Microwave Power Meters to 100 GHz

Frequency Counters to 40 GHz

Agilent DSO9404 Digitizing Oscilloscope to 40 GSPS

Analog oscilloscopes to 400 MHz

Pulse, delay, and signal generators


Agilent Advance Design System for microwave circuit design, simulation, and layout

Ansys High-Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) for design of loop-gap resonators and modeling RF field distributions

Ansys Maxwell 3D to solve electromagnetic problems by finite-element analysis

Internal & External Research Users

Internal Research Users (Centers/Departments)
Center for Infectious Disease Research
Center for Imaging Research
Department of Anesthesiology
Department of Biochemistry
Department of Biophysics
Department of Cell Biology, Neurobiology & Anatomy
Department of Medicine
Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology
Department of Physiology
Department of Radiation Oncology
Department of Radiology
External Research Users (Institutions)
Active Spectrum
Alexis Biochemicals
Altair Innovation
Arizona State University
Boise State University
Bowling Green State University
Boston College
Bruker Biospin Corporation
California Institute of Technology
Carthage College
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Children’s Wisconsin
Chinese Academy of Science
Colorado State University
Columbia University
Cornell University
Czech Academy of Sciences
Dartmouth Medical School
Duke University
Ewing Christian College
Fame Cyber International
Florida State University
Fordham University
Free University Berlin
Georgia Institute of Technology
Goethe University
Harvard Medical School
Hokkaido University
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Duke University Medical Center
Iowa State University
Institute for Structural Chemistry
Institute of Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety
Institute of Telecommunication
Israel Institute of Technology
Jagiellonian University
Johns Hopkins University
Kansas State University
Kagawa University
Kyoto University
Kyushu University
Louisiana State University
Loyola University
Lubeck University of Applied Sciences
Marquette University
Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Miami University of Ohio
Milwaukee Area Technical College
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Miller Brewing Company
Missouri State University
Molecular Specialties Inc.
Monmouth College
Myers Bigel
National Cancer Institute
National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
National Institute of Radiological Sciences
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
North Carolina State
North Dakota State University
Northwestern University
Novosibirsk Institute of Chemistry
Oakland University
Ohio State University
Oregon Health & Science University
Oregon State University
Princess Margaret Hospital
Portland State University
Purdue University
Queen’s University
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
Rosario University
Russian Academy of Sciences
Rutgers University
Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics
Scripps Research Institute
Shivaji University
Stanford University
Swarthmore College
Teledyne Technologies
Tennessee State University
Texas Tech University
Truman State University
TU Kaiserslauter
Uniformed Services University
United States Naval Academy
Universidad de la Republica-Montevideo
Université de Provence
University of Albany
University of Alabama
University of Buffalo
University of California, Davis
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, Merced
University of California, San Francisco
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of Chicago
University of Colorado Denver & Children’s Hospital
University of Denver
University of Eastern Illinois
University of Florida-Gainesville
University of Göttingen
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
University of Iowa
University of Kansas Medical Center
University of Louisville
University of Louvain
University of Maryland Andres Ruuge
University of Miami
University of Michigan
University of Maryland
University of Minnesota Paul Tordo
University of Minnesota Twin Cities
University of Missouri
University of Nevada
University of New Brunswick
University of New Mexico
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of Oklahoma
University of Pittsburgh
University of Puerto Rico
University of Pennsylvania
University of Queensland
University of Saskatchewan
University of Science and Technology
University of Split
University of Southern California
University of Texas Health Sciences Center
University of Virginia
University of Warwick
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
University of Wisconsin Paul P. Carbone Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of Wyoming
Uppsala University
US Food and Drug Administration
Vanderbilt University
Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry
Versiti Blood Center of Wisconsin
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Tech
Wake Forest University
Weizmann Institute of Science
Yamagata University
Yeditepe University