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Medical College of Wisconsin Neurosurgery Research

Research in MCW's Department of Neurosurgery includes three distinct research programs supporting multiple centers and laboratories at the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center and MCW's Milwaukee campuses.

Our Research Mission

Our mission is to conduct innovative research that:

  • advances the science of neurotrauma and neurologic disease 
  • has a positive translational impact on clinical care 
  • fosters the development of scientists 
  • improves the health of our community

Our Research Vision

Our vision is to be a world-class center for neurotrauma research that positively impacts the lives of people affected by neurologic injury and disease.

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Center for Neurotrauma Research

The Center for Neurotrauma Research seeks to advance the science of neurological trauma and related diseases, enhance the translation of brain and spinal trauma research into clinical care innovations, foster the professional development of future scientists, and improve the health of communities throughout the region and state. Within MCW, the CNTR functions as a collaborative hub for neurotrauma research and will create a synergistic collaboration with other MCW Centers such as the Comprehensive Injury Center, Neuroscience Research Center and the Center for Imaging Research.

MCW's Center for Neurotrauma Research is co-directed by Shekar Kurpad, MD, PhD, Sanford J. Larson Professor and Chair of Neurosurgery; and Michael McCrea, PhD, Professor of Neurosurgery, Eminent Scholar, Vice Chair of Research and Director of Brain Injury Research at the Medical College of Wisconsin. 

Vedantam Lab members discussing FEM modeling of discs in Hub for Collaborstive Medicine

Center for Cervical Myelopathy

The Center for Cervical Myelopathy aims to bridge the translational science spectrum to provide a uniquely well-rounded perspective on Cervical Myelopathy, an age-related degenerative disease of the cervical spinal cord resulting in pain and motor deficits. Specializing in a broad range of complimentary clinical and research methodologies, the assembled teams are positioned to advance diagnosis and treatment of Cervical Myelopathy at MCW, Froedtert, and beyond.

Neurosurgery Research Programs

Research from the Department of Neurosurgery includes multimodal investigations into the  generation and treatment of brain injury, biomechanics and spinal cord injury. 

Brain Imaging captured by the Meier Laboratory

Brain Injury Research 

The Brain Injury Research Program in MCW's Department of Neurosurgery includes investigations into the acute and chronic effects of traumatic brain injury.

Learn more about the Brain Injury Research Program
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Biomechanics Research

Neurosurgery Biomechanics research is carried out at the ZVAMC Labs and includes investigations into the biomechanics of trauma and biomechanics of the spine. 

Learn more about Biomechanics Research at ZVAMC Labs
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Spinal Cord Injury Research

Investigations into Spinal Cord Injury at the MCW Department of Neurosurgery seek to improve the recovery and quality of life for patients affected by acute and chronic SCI.   

Learn More about SCI Research at the Department of Neurosurgery

Neurosurgery Research Facilities

The MCW Department of Neurosurgery supports its renowned neurosurgery research program with state-of-the-art facilities located on multiple campuses in the Greater Milwaukee area. 
The Hub for Collaborative Medicine on MCW's Milwaukee Campus
The Hub for Collaborative Medicine facilitates intersectional investigations with Froedtert Hospital and other Clinical Collaborators located on or near MCW's Milwaukee Campus. 
Biomechanics Research Facilities at ZVAMC Labs

The Biomechanics Research Facilities at the Zablocki VA Medical Center Laboratories support investigations into preclinical traumatic brain injury and biomechanics of trauma and the spine. Noteworthy capabilities include the Vehicle Crashworthiness facility, the Acceleration ServoSled facility, drop tower and pendulum facilities, electrohydraulic piston and blast test facilities, as well as computational modeling facilities. 

Learn more about Biomechanics Facilities at ZVAMC Labs

Neuroscience Research Facilities at ZVAMC Labs

The Neuroscience Research Facilities at ZVAMC Labs have been specially designed to support investigations into spinal cord injury and central nervous systems disorders.  Highlighted capabilities include rodent behavioral testing, small animal procedures, molecular biology, histology and microscopy, as well as electrophysiology and optogenetics. 

Learn more about Neuroscience Facilities at ZVAMC Labs