
What To Expect When Visiting the MCW AOIP

Thank you for considering participation in one of the ocular imaging studies in the AOIP. Research studies can involve tests and procedures that are different from those done during a regular doctor visit.

General research participation information

  • Most visits take approximately three to four hours to complete all of the testing.
  • Please note: this research visit does not provide you with an updated vision prescription or corrective lenses.
  • If you do wear contact lenses, please do not wear them for at least 2 days prior to your imaging appointment.
  • You must have an appointment to participate in research.
  • If you have any questions about the tests performed as part of our research, contact the AOIP at (414) 955-AOIP (2647).

Upon your arrival at the Eye Institute

Our research takes place on the 8th floor of the Eye Institute. One of our staff members will review the consent forms that are necessary to proceed with the research study. We will explain all of the imaging tests being performed and review the risks and benefits associated with the research. You will be given as much time as you need to ask any questions you may have about the research and you will receive a copy of your signed consent form for your records.
About Your Visit Image_Intro Component

Testimonials from AOIP Study Participants

Coveo User Context

"The very friendly nature of the staff and students made myself and my wife feel very welcome."

AOIP research study participant

Coveo User Context

"Thank you guys for always being so welcoming and making my visits enjoyable."

AOIP research study participant

Coveo User Context

“Meeting the AOIP staff was one of the most empowering experiences of my life. I’ve never been the focus of so much professional and detailed attention. Knowing that there is a team like this working so hard on a cause that means so much to me is so humbling and inspiring. I’m at a loss for words to express my gratitude.”

AOIP research study participant

Coveo User Context

“The information you were able to provide us changed our lives! With each visit we became closer to your staff who treated us with a remarkable amount of kindness and compassion.”

AOIP research study participant