Pathology Residency Program

MCW Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Research Projects

Although there is no research requirement for graduation from the program, research is strongly encouraged, and the department is committed to promoting an atmosphere of active academic inquiry as well as satisfying ACGME program requirements and MCWAH benchmarks regarding resident academic participation. The goal is to have 50% or more of residents participate in and present research during their training.

Overview & Resources

Residents may use up to six periods of elective time to pursue research projects. For all such research elective months, a faculty supervisor must be identified. The resident will complete a Research Rotation Planning Form in conjunction with his or her faculty supervisor, which must be approved by the Program Director prior to the beginning of the rotation. The faculty supervisor will be responsible for ensuring that the resident is appropriately guided and engaged in their project during a given elective month, and will be responsible for performing the end of rotation evaluation.

Clinical & Translational Research Support

Resources available to support clinical and translational research are as follows:

  1. Consultative and technical support through the department’s Translational Core Research Facility;
  2. Discretionary funds for research available through individual faculty members;
  3. Research administrative support through the department research coordinator;
  4. Ready access to clinical database searches using the Wisconsin Diagnostic Laboratories LIS;
  5. Support of travel expenses to present abstracts at National meetings.

The Department provides support for resident attendance at national meetings that have research work accepted for poster or oral presentation. The awardee must be the first author and presenting their work.

The Travel Fund Form must be approved by the attending pathologist supporting the research, the program director, and chair and forwarded to the Financial Assistant. A copy of the form will be returned to the resident indicating approval. Once the resident receives the approved paperwork, they may start making their travel accommodations. The department will provide financial support for one such presentation at a national meeting by a resident per year based on the above criteria. The department will provide reimbursement for travel expenses (subject to MCW business policies), such as meeting registration, coach airfare, lodging and meal per diem up to $1,250. Note that remaining funds from the $1,250 can be carried over and used for another meeting in the same academic year as long as the above criteria are met.