Student Conducting Laboratory Research
Radiation Safety

Medical College of Wisconsin Application for Non-Clinical Research

A Note to All Researchers: The purpose of this page is to help guide applicants through the radiation safety approval process. To get information on the complete process of beginning research at MCW please see the Office of Research's Research Resources Website.

Research use of radiation produced by machines (x-ray diffraction unit, x-ray irradiator) or radioactive material (unsealed radioactive isotopes, sealed source irradiator).

Radioactive Material

Will radiation be used under the authorization of someone currently approved by ORS to use radiation?


  • Amendment Form (DOC) for minor changes (possession limit, new area, etc.)
  • Submit an eBridge application for the research protocol which will be subject to review by either the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) or the Institutional Animal Use and Care (IACUC) Committee.
  • Submit a Radiation Verification (RV) form (PDF) to be used by the Office of Radiation Safety (ORS) in evaluation of the radiation safety concerns that may be part of the protocol.
  • Once ORS has completed a review, the associated committee will complete the review process.

NO - (choose from below)

You may submit an application to use radioactive material concurrently with an IACUC or IBC application above.

Radiation Machines (X-Ray, X-Ray Diffraction, CT, Orthovoltage)

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MCW Office

(414) 955-4347

Directions to M760 (PDF)

(Basement, Medical Education Building)


Froedtert Office

(414) 805-6540

Froedtert Pavilion, L760B

(Located in the MCW Clinical Trials Administrative Area)