Obtaining Research MRI Safety Approval at the Medical College of Wisconsin
As of June 22, 2019, MRI-related questions are now be placed directly into the AUA and PRO eBridge SmartForms, thereby eliminating the need for a separate MRI Safety application. With this, the MRI Committee review process is also be integrated into eBridge. For more information regarding the integration project, please contact the Research MRI Safety Committee Office at MRIresearch@mcw.edu.
MRI Research Involving Human Subjects
- Human research projects involving MRI and being reviewed by the MCW/Froedtert Hospital IRB will be required to complete the MRI-related questions located in Section 10B of the PRO SmartForm. Research MRI Safety Committee approval is required before the PRO SmartForm will be reviewed by the MCW/Froedtert Hospital IRB Office.
- If human research projects involving MRI will be reviewed by a non-MCW/Froedtert Hospital IRB, a separate MRI Safety application will need to be submitted.
- MRI Human Submission Form (DOCX)
MRI Research Involving Animal Subjects
- Animal studies involving MRI and being reviewed by the MCW IACUC will be required to complete the MRI-related questions located in Section N of the AUA SmartForm. Upon submission of the AUA, Research MRI Safety Committee and IACUC review will occur concurrently.
- If animal studies involving MRI will be reviewed by a non-MCW IACUC (VA, MU, UWM), a separate MRI Safety application will need to be submitted.
- MRI Animal Submission Form (DOCX)
MRI Research Involving Ex Vivo Tissues
- Studies involving the scanning of ex vivo tissues require approval from the MRI Research Safety Committee. Please contact the MRI Research Safety Office (MRIresearch@mcw.edu) to obtain an application.