
Obtaining Research MRI Safety Approval at the Medical College of Wisconsin

As of June 22, 2019, MRI-related questions are now be placed directly into the AUA and PRO eBridge SmartForms, thereby eliminating the need for a separate MRI Safety application. With this, the MRI Committee review process is also be integrated into eBridge. For more information regarding the integration project, please contact the Research MRI Safety Committee Office at MRIresearch@mcw.edu

MRI Research Involving Human Subjects

  • Human research projects involving MRI and being reviewed by the MCW/Froedtert Hospital IRB will be required to complete the MRI-related questions located in Section 10B of the PRO SmartForm. Research MRI Safety Committee approval is required before the PRO SmartForm will be reviewed by the MCW/Froedtert Hospital IRB Office. 
  • If human research projects involving MRI will be reviewed by a non-MCW/Froedtert Hospital IRB, a separate MRI Safety application will need to be submitted. 

MRI Research Involving Animal Subjects

  • Animal studies involving MRI and being reviewed by the MCW IACUC will be required to complete the MRI-related questions located in Section N of the AUA SmartForm. Upon submission of the AUA, Research MRI Safety Committee and IACUC review will occur concurrently. 
  • If animal studies involving MRI will be reviewed by a non-MCW IACUC (VA, MU, UWM), a separate MRI Safety application will need to be submitted. 

MRI Research Involving Ex Vivo Tissues

  • Studies involving the scanning of ex vivo tissues require approval from the MRI Research Safety Committee. Please contact the MRI Research Safety Office (MRIresearch@mcw.edu) to obtain an application.

Form FAQs

How do I obtain Research MRI Safety approval for animal subjects?
Complete Section N of the AUA SmartForm. Upon submission, the AUA SmartForm will be automatically routed to the Research MRI Safety Committee for review. 
How do I obtain Research MRI Safety approval for human subjects?
Complete Section 10B of the PRO SmartForm. Upon submission, the PRO SmartForm will be automatically routed to the Research MRI Safety Committee for review. 
What form do I use to screen human subjects or others before they enter the scanner magnet room?
Use this form to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Screening Form for Research Subjects (PDF) properly investigate the potential safety risk of your subjects and others BEFORE entering the magnetic environment.
Which form do I use for screening the health of subjects receiving Gadolinium-based contrast?
The established Gadolinium Use SOP (PDF) must be followed when administering contrast for research purposes only.

General FAQs

How do I obtain permission to use MCW MRI scanners?
You must apply through the Center for Imaging Research (CIR) to obtain permission.

How do I obtain permission to use MRI scanners at Froedtert Hospital, Children's Wisconsin, or affiliated institutions?
You must contact the institution where you are proposing to use the MRI scanner.

Froedtert Hospital: Office of Clinical Research and Innovative Care Compliance (OCRICC) (414) 805-4082

Children's Wisconsin: Office of Corporate Compliance Children's Hospital and Health System
(CHHS) Diane Bauer at (414) 266-6237 or dbauer@childrenswi.org
Is research monitored following approval?
Research is monitored for safety at each MRI study session using the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) scanners, by the MRI Scanner Operators.

The MRI Scanner Operators have the authority to stop a study session if they deem there is a significant safety risk to continue.

Research is additionally monitored as needed by the Research MRI Safety Committee, whose mission is to foster an environment for the safe use of MRI in research at MCW. This includes ensuring properly trained personnel are on site, equipment is being operated safely, and that subjects are adequately screened for safety.
What are the relevant policies, procedures, and guidelines?
Please review the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) within the Research MRI Safety Committee website prior to conducting research using MRI at the Medical College of Wisconsin.
What can I do to prevent problems in the laboratory?
The Research MRI Safety Committee has developed Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) to guide safe practices for the use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for research at the Medical College of Wisconsin. It is expected that all investigators and study team personnel adhere to these procedures.

Questions and concerns may be addressed to the Research MRI Safety Committee: MRIresearch@mcw.edu
What is the MCW policy for using Gadolinium-based contrast for research only?
The established Gadolinium Use SOP (PDF) must be followed when administering contrast for research purposes only.

What approvals do I need from the Research MRI Safety Committee?
Research MRI Safety Committee approval is required before MCW/Froedtert Hospital IRB or MCW IACUC approval can be granted. For information on how to obtain approval, please contact the Research MRI Safety Committee Office at MRIresearch@mcw.edu. Please note, approval is also needed from the Center for Imaging Research if the Medical College of Wisconsin scanners are requested.
What resources are available?
Support is available for research using MRI from the:

Research MRI Safety Committee

Center for Imaging Research (CIR)
What training is required?
MRI Safety Training is required for study personnel working in the magnetic environment or recruiting human subjects who will enter the magnetic environment of the scanners at the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW). Training includes a description of the dangers within the magnetic environment and instructions for identifying subjects and equipment that should not enter the magnetic environment.

Principal Investigators who will conduct research using the MCW scanner(s) are required to complete MRI Safety Training as they are ultimately responsible for the safety of the study. Training may be modified depending on the previous MRI experience of the investigator.
Where can I find a quick list of safety concerns for the scanner magnet room?
Note: this quick checklist (PDF) is used only for individuals visiting the area briefly. Screening of human subjects and others who will be entering the scanner room and the scanner magnet MUST complete the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Screening Form (PDF) for Research Subjects.
Whom do I contact if I have additional questions?

Research MRI Safety Committee
General Inquiries: MRIresearch@mcw.edu
Chair: Andrew Nencka, PhD | anencka@mcw.edu
Safety Training: Erin Staege, RT(R)(MR)(ARRT), MRSO (MRSC™), BS | estaege@mcw.edu

Office of Research
General Inquiries: research@mcw.edu

Center for Imaging Research (CIR)
General Inquiries: Debra Keiler | dkeiler@mcw.edu | (414) 955-4663 | (414) 955-6562 (fax)