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Named Lectureships

The Mark B. Adams, MD, Visiting Professorship in Transplant Fund

Mark B. Adams, MDThe Mark B. Adams, MD, Visiting Professorship in Transplantation, established by the family of Dr. Adams, supports the annual lecture series in tribute to the life and career of Dr. Adams. The annual lecture features a nationally acclaimed visiting professor with extensive experience in organ transplantation. The lectures are meant to inspire generations of medical students and residents (just as Dr. Adams did).

Dr. Adams was appointed Chair of the Department of Surgery in 2003 after leading the Division of Transplant Surgery for 17 years. He was Professor of Surgery, Chief of Transplant Surgery, and former Director of the Froedtert and Medical College of Wisconsin's Transplant Program. The Transplant Program was established in 1967 with a focus on kidney, liver, and pancreas transplantation. Beginning in 2005, Dr. Adams served as Chair of the Medical College of Wisconsin Physicians Executive Committee.

During his tenure, Dr. Adams made enormous contributions to medical student and resident education. He directed the student education efforts in the Department of Surgery for many years and inspired the career choices of countless medical students and former surgical residents working across the country today.

Matthew Cooper, MD, who holds the Mark B. Adams Endowed Chair in Surgery at MCW and is Chief of Transplant Surgery and Director of Solid Organ Transplantation, commented on the visiting professorship as a fitting acknowledgment of Dr. Adams' legacy.

"I had the privilege of learning the art and science of solid organ transplantation from Dr. Adams as a past MCW surgical resident. He was both committed to his profession and to the education and training of residents and students. He always wanted and expected the best of us. I, among many others, was inspired to become a transplant surgeon because of Dr. Adams and remain forever grateful and humbled to hold the Chair in his name."

The Division of Transplant Surgery selects the visiting professor, organizes, and hosts the event. In addition to giving a formal lecture, the visiting professor will hold a "rocking chair session" during which he or she talks informally with MCW students and residents about topics such as patient care, research, and a physician's life in academic medicine. Including this session in the visit would be especially important to Dr. Adams, who cared deeply about all aspects of a medical career, both in and out of the hospital.

Abhinav Humar, MD (PDF)
Living Donor Liver Transplant at UPMC: Changing the Paradigm (video) | 12/18/24
Clinical Director of the Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute
Chief, Division of Transplantation, Department of Surgery at UPMC

Robert A. Montgomery, MD, DPhil, FACS (PDF)
Grand Rounds Lecture (video)
H. Leon Pachter, MD Chair and Professor of Surgery
NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Director, NYU Langone Transplant Institute

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The Carl W. Eberbach Memorial Lectureship

Dr. Carl EberbachDr. Carl Eberbach arrived in Milwaukee in 1928, having moved here from his ancestral home in Ann Arbor, Michigan. At the University of Michigan Medical School he had been an Associate Professor of Surgery and was Acting Dean of the Medical School under Dr. Hugh Cabot, one of the pioneers in Urology in this country.

Dr. Eberbach's early beginnings were in the field of Urology, in which he was a substantial contributor to the medical literature in the 1920's. He wrote on many aspects of genitourinary surgery, especially in the field of congenital anomalies. His monograph on renal tuberculosis was considered an outstanding work. His later years in Ann Arbor, however, were in the field of General Surgery, and it was in this capacity that he took up his new work in Milwaukee at the age of 37.

His leaning toward academic medicine was strong, and he maintained a vital interest in our medical school throughout his professional life in Milwaukee. He was Chair of the Department of Surgery for eight years before the arrival of Dr. Edwin Ellison in 1958, and was instrumental in bringing Dr. Ellison here from Ohio State University.

Dr. Eberbach regarded himself as a clinical surgeon, and his self-appraisal is reflected in his writings, principally in the fields of biliary tract surgery and in the management of breast cancer.

Karl Y. Bilimoria, MD, MS (PDF)
Grand Rounds Lecture (video)
Chair of the Department of Surgery
Jay L. Grosfeld Professor of Surgery
Indiana University
Vice President for Surgical Quality, Indiana University Health System

Ronald P. DeMatteo, MD (PDF)
Grand Rounds Lecture (video)
John Rhea Barton Professor of Surgery
Chair, Department of Surgery
University of Pennsylvania

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The Edwin H. Ellison Memorial Lectureship

Edwin H. Ellison, MDFrom 1958 to 1969 Edwin H. Ellison, MD, was a Professor and Chairman of the Division of Surgery of the Medical College of Wisconsin, then Marquette School of Medicine. He was an excellent teacher and surgical scientist. His untimely death in 1970 prompted his friends and colleagues to seek a means of perpetuating the Ellison legacy. The Edwin H. Ellison Memorial Lectureship has been established to bring leading educators in general surgery to the Medical College on a regular basis.

Dr. Ellison received his surgical training at Ohio State University College of Medicine under the tutelage of Robert M. Zollinger, MD. Dr. Ellison served on the Ohio State University faculty from 1944 to 1957. He moved to Milwaukee in 1958. During the next eleven years, his major effort was the development of a full time department of surgery for the Medical College of Wisconsin. He was immensely successful and the department's academic reputation soared.

Under his leadership, the faculty made significant contributions to the field of gastrointestinal surgery. These efforts stemmed from Dr. Ellison's earlier work at Ohio State and the discovery with Dr. Zollinger of a disease entity with a pathophysiological interaction between islet cell tumors of the pancreas and the stomach, now widely known as the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

Dr. Ellison saw the need for an interdisciplinary research facility and in 1961 the Allen-Bradley Medical Science Laboratory was established for the faculty on the grounds of the Milwaukee County Medical Complex. The Allen-Bradley facility is in keeping with the concept of the Medical Center of Southeastern Wisconsin for comprehensive programs of teaching, research, and patient care.

Dr. Ellison was a well-known leader in organized medicine, and served on the editorial boards of prestigious journals. He contributed 161 papers to scientific literature, and shortly before he died had compiled illustrative material for "Ellison's Atlas of Surgery of the Stomach and Duodenum".

His contributions take on more honors with time; his inspiration is hopefully embodied in the Edwin H. Ellison Memorial Lectureship.

John H. Stewart, IV, MD, MBA, FACS (PDF)
Grand Rounds Lecture (video)
Professor of Surgery, Chair of Surgery
Associate Dean of Oncology Programs
Morehouse School of Medicine

Steven D. Wexner, MD, PhD(Hon) (PDF)
Grand Rounds Lecture (video)
Director, Ellen Leifer Shulman and Steven Shulman Digestive Disease Center
Chairman, Department of Colorectal Surgery, Cleveland Clinic Florida
Clinical Professor of Surgery, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University

Dana A. Telem, MD, MPH (PDF)
Grand Rounds Lecture (video)
Lazar J. Greenfield Professor of Surgery
Service Chief of General Surgery
Vice Chair for Quality and Patient Safety, Department of Surgery
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

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The Marvin Glicklich Lectureship

Dr. Marvin GlicklichThe Glicklich Lectureship was created to honor Dr. Marvin Glicklich, who established pediatric surgery as a specialty in Milwaukee and founded the pediatric general surgery program at Children’s Wisconsin and the Medical College of Wisconsin. His contributions reflect a commitment to the clinical care of infants and children with surgical problems and to the training of surgeons and other health care professionals in this discipline.

Dr. Glicklich passed away on November 12, 2022, at the age of 95.

Anthony Sandler, MD, FACP, FAAP (PDF)
Senior Vice President & Surgeon-in-Chief, Joseph E. Robert Jr. Center for Surgical Care
Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC
Director of the Sheikh Zayed Institute for Surgical Innovation

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The Milton A. Lunda Trauma Visiting Professor

Milton A. Lunda of the Lunda Construction Company, aware of the effects of trauma on his family, his community, and the employees of his construction company who work in several states, felt the need to promote trauma awareness and care. Working with the American Trauma Society, he commissioned a recognition award and a Visiting Professorship. The award is presented to organizations, agencies and individuals that demonstrate their commitment to improving emergency medicine by giving of their time, talent, and resources. The Lunda Trauma Visiting Professorship is presented at CLINIC DAY to promote research and continuing education.

Eileen M. Bulger, MD, FACS (PDF)
Grand Rounds Lecture (video)
Professor and Chief of the Division of Trauma, Burns, and Critical Care
Department of Surgery, University of Washington
Surgeon-in-Chief, Harborview Medical Center

Patrick M. Reilly, MD, FACS (PDF)
Grand Rounds Lecture (video)
C. William Schwab Professor of Surgery
Chief of the Division of Trauma, Surgical Critical Care and Emergency Surgery
Perelman School of Medicine
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Penn Presbyterian Medical Center

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The Gale L. Mendeloff, MD, Visiting Professor Lectureship

Gale L. Mendeloff, MDOn March 6, 2010, we lost an outstanding physician, scientist, mentor, and friend when Gale L. Mendeloff, MD, passed away unexpectedly at the age of 77. Cherished by his wife, Sunny, his large extended family, and numerous friends, Dr. Mendeloff's dedication to medicine inspired the creation of the Gale L. Mendeloff, MD, Visiting Professor Lectureship Fund.

Launched by his family, friends, and many former colleagues, the fund serves to remind us of his distinguished career as a doctor and educator.

Dr. Mendeloff led a life unparalleled by many. He began his career in 1963 as a staff physician at Columbia Hospital, where he remained until his retirement in 2002. During that time, he served as Chairman of the hospital’s Department of Surgery, Director of the Vascular Laboratory, and Chief of Staff. He also served as President of the Milwaukee Surgical Society, the Milwaukee Academy of Surgery, and the Wisconsin Surgical Society.

Dr. Mendeloff was a master educator. His distinctive tutorials to medical students and residents were legendary. Whether it was his “Tubes” presentation or his classic teaching around “Who do you trust?”, he was always trying to enlighten others regarding the many nuances of patient care.

The “Tubes” session focused on all the types of drains and tubes that were inserted into patients during surgery, the indications for placing these, how to monitor their output and when to remove them.

“Who do you trust?” emphasized the incredible privilege and responsibility a physician has when a patient entrusts them with their health care. A covenant that requires complete ownership by the physician.

To this end, Dr. Mendeloff stressed that every patient’s x-ray, lab value, flow sheet and medication must be personally reviewed by the physician on a daily basis. It was not sufficient to rely on others to tell you these results. His point was very clear: when a patient gives over their health care to you, it is ultimately your responsibility as their physician to know everything about your patient’s clinical condition.

Dr. Mendeloff’s incredible passion for teaching was recognized by the Medical College of Wisconsin. He became a Clinical Professor of Surgery, an appointment seldom achieved by a surgeon in private practice.

Dr. Mendeloff’s educational prowess was equally matched by his clinical acumen. He cared for his patients deeply, embodying the concept of understanding the patients’ clinical and emotional needs. His ability to empathize was an incredible gift, often creating a connection with his patients that lasted a lifetime.

Frequently, he would be out for dinner with his family and a patient would approach him to say hello and thank you. It seemed as though the patient was just discharged from the hospital. Yet when asked by someone who that person was, Dr. Mendeloff would say "that is someone I took care of 10 years ago."

"Dr. Mendeloff was a talented surgeon and inspiring leader who dedicated his career to the care and treatment of his patients. He will truly be missed," said Stuart D. Wilson, MD, Professor in the Department of Surgery. "We are incredibly grateful for the establishment of these funds to benefit our medical students, residents and faculty. I think that is something Gale would be proud of."

Kyla Terhune, MD, MBA
The ROI of GME: Looking Beyond the Balance Sheet (video)
Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education
Vice President for Educational Affairs
ACGME/NRMP Designated Institutional Official
Graduate Medical Office
Professor of Surgery and Anesthesiology, Department of Surgery
Vanderbilt University

Roy Phitayakorn, MD, MHPE, FACS (PDF)
Grand Rounds Lecture (video)
Associate Professor of Surgery
Vice Chair of Education,
Director of Medical Student Education and Surgical Education Research
MGH Department of Surgery

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The C. Morrison Schroeder Memorial Lectureship

Morrison Schroeder was born on July 11, 1908 in Dixon, Illinois. Shortly after, his family moved to Racine, Wisconsin where he graduated from Racine High School in 1926. He attended the University of Wisconsin, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in 1931. He then went on to attend medical school at Washington University, graduating with an MD in 1933. As so often happened in that era of surgical training, he trained at several different hospitals including a rotating internship at the Episcopal Hospital in Philadelphia, from January 1, 1934 to December 31, 1935. He then took a surgical internship at Vanderbilt University Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee from November 1936 to June of 1937. He spent six months at the Presbyterian Hospital in San Juan, Puerto Rico and finished his surgical residency at the Louisville City Hospital in 1939.

He served in the army from 1940-1946. Rumor has it that he thought physicians were not worthy of automatic rank, so he went in as an enlisted man. However, he was soon promoted to the rank of an officer. He entered private practice in 1946 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where he was an attending at Columbia Hospital, Milwaukee County General Hospital, St. Luke's Hospital, and the Veterans Administration Hospital. It was at the latter institution that he spent considerable amount of time as a consultant running his surgical service. Every surgical resident at the old Marquette (later to become The Medical College of Wisconsin) surgical service rotated through Dr. Schroeder's service. He was a tough and demanding teacher whose interest was in the best care for the patient, as well as making sure that the young men he trained got the very best he could offer. He had strict criteria, holding the senior resident responsible for any and all activities on his service. Although the rotation was difficult and the men who trained under him may have disliked his rigidity, they are all grateful for his teaching. He is often commended as one of the shining lights in their surgical education.

His effort in the general community of surgery was in the ethical practice of surgery. He became a member of Wisconsin Surgical Society and sat on their ethics committee. As one of the senior members of the present Milwaukee surgical community relates, during ethics committee meetings, if you did not go along with Dr. Schroeder's opinion you spent lengthy hours in discussion as he persuaded you the right way of thinking. Wherever the Wisconsin Surgical Club went in the United States, surgeons knew and respected him.

Excellence in Surgical Training to Ensure Excellence in Surgical Practice | 11/20/24
Ajit K. Sachdeva, MD, FACS
Director, Division of Education, American College of Surgeons
Adjunct Professor or Surgery, The Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University

Carrie Cunningham, MD, MPH (PDF)
Grand Rounds Lecture (video)
Associate Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School
Section Head, Massachusetts General Hospital Endocrine Surgery Unit
Associate Director, Massachusetts General Hospital
Institute for Technology Assessment

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The Jonathan B. Towne Visiting Professor

Jonathan B. Towne, MDJonathan B. Towne, MD, Professor and Chief Emeritus for the Department of Vascular Surgery retired June 30, 2007 after more than 30 years at The Medical College of Wisconsin. To perpetually commemorate his dedicated years of surgical academic and professional leadership, the Department of Surgery is proud to honor him through a named visiting professorship. The Jonathan T. Towne Visiting Professorship has been established to bring leading experts and educators involved in the multidisciplinary care for vascular disease to The Medical College of Wisconsin. Dr. Towne dedicated his career to inspiring and educating students and physicians whose interests lie in healing through education and collaboration.

Dr. Towne joined the faculty in 1975 as Chief of the Vascular Surgery Section at the College and Director of Vascular Surgery Service at the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center. In 1981, he was appointed Director of Vascular Surgery Service at John L. Doyne Hospital. For more than 20 years, he has served as Chief of the Division of Vascular Surgery.

Prior to coming to the Medical College, Dr. Towne completed his general surgery residency at the University of Nebraska; served as the Chief of General Surgery in the United States Air Force at the USAF Hospital on Vandenberg Air Force Base; and completed his vascular surgery fellowship at Baylor University Medical Center.

Dr. Towne has earned numerous honors from the College and his students, including the Medical College's Distinguished Service Award and Surgery's Teacher of the Year Award.

Dr. Towne has served in leadership positions on many local, regional and national committees, societies and other professional organizations. He has served as the President of the Central Surgical Association from 2002 to 2003; as the President of the Society of Vascular Surgery from 1999-2000; and is currently on the Board of Directors for the American Board of Surgery.

Dr. Towne helped develop a multidisciplinary model of care for vascular disease at the College, Froedtert Hospital and the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center requiring a high level of cooperation between Vascular Surgery and Interventional Radiology through commitment, education and collaboration forever changing the treatment of vascular disease.

Rabih A. Chaer, MD, MSc (PDF)
Chief of the Division of Vascular Surgery
Director of the Vascular Residency Program at UPMC Presbyterian
Co-Director of the UPMC Heart and Vascular Institute
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

Thomas L. Forbes, MD (PDF)
Grand Rounds Lecture (video)
Surgeon-in-Chief, James Wallace McCutcheon Chair
Sprott Department of Surgery, University Health Network
Professor, Vice Chair, Finance and Advancement, Department of Surgery
Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto

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