Office of Educational Improvement
The Office of Educational Improvement (OEI) is here to help you reach your teaching goals. Our goal is to improve educator performance through evaluation, feedback and faculty development.
We strive to foster continual improvement through education technology orientation and integration, instructional design services, simulation education and development of interprofessional education opportunities.
Stay up to date with OEI NewsInterprofessional Education (IPE)
The IPE team designs and develops interprofessional sessions between medical students and students in programs of: Nursing/Nurse Practitioners, Pharmacy, Radiology, Physical Therapy, and Dietetics.
Learn about IPE
Faculty Development
The primary objective of our Faculty Development program is to improve teaching effectiveness through a comprehensive program of educator enrichment to assist MCW in the establishment of an institution-wide culture of learning.
Learn about faculty development
Meet Our Team
The mission of the Office of Educational Improvement (OEI) is to empower health science educators to achieve teaching excellence.
Meet Our TeamInstructional Design
Our Instructional Design (ID) program provides consultative and collaborative services to faculty working to create and/or improve courses. ID services include conducting needs assessments, designing and developing course materials, creating learning events and student engagement strategies, supporting incorporation of learning technologies, and systematic review of curriculum components.
Learn about IDEducational Technology
The Educational Technology team supports many aspects of classroom, faculty, and student technology such as D2L, Brightspace, Top Hat Audience Response System, Anatomage Table, ExamSoft, and Biolucida.
Learn about educational technology
STAR Center
The Standardized Teaching Assessment Resource (STAR) Center provides a controlled environment where students, residents, physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals can practice their clinical skills using standardized patients, medical simulators, and task trainers under the direction of MCW faculty and staff.
Learn about the STAR CenterContact Us
Empowering health science educators to achieve teaching excellence.
Office of Educational Improvement
General Inquiries
8701 Watertown Plank Rd.
Milwaukee, WI 53226