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Academic and Student Services

Interprofessional Education (IPE)

The IPE team designs and develops interprofessional sessions between medical students and students in programs of: Nursing/Nurse Practitioners, Pharmacy, Radiology, Physical Therapy, and Dietetics.

What is IPE?

Defined by the World Health Organization, IPE occurs when "students from two or more professions learn about, from and with each other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes." Focusing on communication, ethics, teams and teamwork, and the roles of various professions, interprofessional programming will give students the opportunity to explore what it means to be a productive member of today's healthcare team. (WHO, 2010)

IPE Vision

To prepare the next generation of health professionals with values, knowledge, and skills necessary to excel as effective members of an interprofessional and patient-centered health care team.

Requested Services

Five easy steps to getting started with Interprofessional Education (IPE):

  1. Build the relationship with a partner institute. Invite the partners for an MCW tour.
  2. Schedule a common IPE date between institutions as early as possible for planning.
  3. Welcome and introduce partners and students as "our colleagues."
  4. Mix partner students with MCW students to create interprofessional groups.
  5. Debrief and close the IPE session to allow all students to share and reflect on the IPE experience.

Our IPE Partners


Ascension collaboration includes the following student program(s):

  • Pharmacy Residency

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Aspirus collaboration includes the following student program(s):

  • Pharmacy Residency

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Bellin College (BC)

Bellin College collaboration includes the following student program(s):

  • Nursing
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Radiologic Technology
Concordia University (CUW)
Concordia University collaboration includes the following student program(s):
  • Pharmacy
Gateway Technical College (GTC)

Gateway Technical College collaboration includes the following student program(s):

  • EMT Paramedic
Marquette University (MU)
Marquette University collaboration includes the following student program(s):
  • Medical Laboratory Science
  • Dentistry
  • Physical Therapy
Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC)

Milwaukee Area Technical College collaboration includes the following student program(s):

  • Medical Interpreter
Milwaukee School of Engineering/School of Nursing (MSOE/SON)

Milwaukee School of Engineering/School of Nursing collaboration includes the following student program(s):

  • Nursing
Mount Mary University (MMU)
Mount Mary University collaboration includes the following student program(s):
  • Dietetics
  • Nursing
Northcentral Technical College (NTC)
Northcentral Technical College collaboration includes the following student program(s):
  • Dental Hygiene
  • Emergency Medical Services
  • Medical Laboratory Technology
  • Medical Assistant
  • Nursing
  • Radiologic Technology
  • Surgical Technology
Northeastern Wisconsin Technical College (NWTC)
Northeastern Wisconsin Technical College collaboration includes the following student program(s):
  • Ultrasound Technology
Rasmussen University

Rasmussen University collaboration includes the following student program(s):

  • School of Nursing
  • School of Health Sciences

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University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

UW-Green Bay collaboration includes the following student program(s):

  • Dietetic Internship Program

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University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

UW-Milwaukee collaboration includes the following student program(s):

  • Medical Laboratory Science
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

UW-Stevens Point collaboration includes the following student program(s):

  • Nursing
  • Social Work

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Contact Us

Whether you have a question, need assistance, or provide comment on services, we'd love to hear from you.

IPE Team

Kelly Horton
Interprofessional Education Coordinator