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Medical College of Wisconsin Graduation with Honors

The Medical College of Wisconsin offers opportunities for students to graduate with an Honors distinction in specific areas, consistent with components of the MCW institutional mission.

Honors in Community Engagement


The purpose of this program is two-fold:

  1. Encourage, support and recognize medical students who work extensively with medically underserved, marginalized and vulnerable populations during their medical school careers.
    1. MCW is committed to improving health through community engagement. Many students participate in service learning and volunteer service through Scholarly Concentrations and their student organizations. The purpose of this Honors distinction is to support and recognize sustained commitment, excellence and impact over and beyond usual expectations.
  2. Improve community health and reduce health disparities, with an emphasis on health priorities outlined in the Healthy People 2020 and Healthiest Wisconsin 2020 health plans, through the development, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based population oriented health interventions.
    1. Students distinguish themselves by assuming significant responsibility in the collaborative planning, implementation, evaluation and dissemination of a focused, sustainable community health initiative.

Program Eligibility

Students submit their Honors in Community Engagement proposal prior to starting work on their honors thesis project. Criteria for consideration include:

  1. Academic Standing: Student must be in good academic standing to participate in the Honors in Community Engagement (HCE) program
  2. Prior to Application: Student must demonstrate a sustained commitment to community engagement, service and leadership during the first 3 semesters of medical school, exceeding minimum expectations, and including both:
    • Preparation/Formal Coursework (e.g. outstanding performance in Urban and Community Health (UCH) or Global Health (GH) Concentration, or approved alternative)
    • Community-engagement through service learning activities (e.g. through pathways and/or summer experiences) beyond the minimum course requirement, and that results in a measurable product (e.g. new partnership, pilot data, community impact). To be eligible for the HCE program, the student must provide evidence of progress toward a completion of a relevant scholarly project that will meet MCW graduation requirements, including (at minimum) a submitted and approved Scholarly Project Proposal.
  3. Application Requirements
    • Personal Statement: Outlining accomplishments to-date, personal goals and commitment to community-engaged scholarship. Accomplishments must include submission and approval of a scholarly project proposal that will meet graduation requirements, distinct from the Honors Proposal project. Progress toward completion of that project (e.g. pilot data, summer research) and anticipated or actual results must be included in the application.
    • Community-Engaged Honors Project Proposal: Consistent with the Scholarly Project Proposal format, including background and significance of work, clear goals, appropriate methods, anticipated results and planned presentation format(s). In addition, the project must include a plan for involving the community throughout the process. The project must be guided by principles of community-engaged scholarship (See Table). This Honors project may build upon the required scholarly project, but must extend the work beyond that of the required scholarly project.
    • Learning/Mentorship Plan: In addition, the student must provide an Individual Learning Plan that includes a commitment to dedicate time during and/or beyond the third year to relevant educational activities, leadership and community service activities. The plan should include:
      • Formal Coursework/educational enrichment activities – may include:
        • Sustained commitment to the UCH or GH Concentration (e.g. all 3 years); and/or
        • Enrollment in an M3 or M4 Honors elective
      • Service Learning: can include community-engaged research or community health initiative, but must be supervised by an MCW faculty mentor and community partner.
      • Community service: volunteer service (e.g. through student organizations.) is encouraged, but is insufficient without evidence of meaningful community engagement and scholarship.
    • Letters of support from Faculty Mentor and Community Partner: Outlining support for the project and willingness to support the student through the project completion, and attestation that 1) the student has made significant accomplishments to-date consistent with the HCE goals; 2) the student is taking a primary lead role on the project in collaboration with the community partner, and 3) the project adheres to community-engaged scholarship principles. See: Community Academic Partnership Model (PDF)


  4. Approval of the Honors in Community Engagement Application: Applications to the HCE program will be reviewed by the Honors Committee. Students whose applications are not approved may have the opportunity to revise and resubmit their application once for reconsideration based upon the committee’s recommendations.
  5. Successful Completion of the Honors in Community Engagement to be Awarded at Graduation
    • Evidence of commitment to the area of distinction as demonstrated by extended time involvement and effort in the area consistent with the plan outlined in the approved Application.
    • An Honor’s Thesis that is reviewed and approved by the Honors committee. The thesis must demonstrate:
      • Adherence to Principles of Community Engagement
      • Originality – All work must be original and have been produced since the start of medical school.
      • Evidence of leadership, innovation, creativity – the student must have a primary lead role
      • Quantity – The body of work should be substantive and represent a significant commitment of time and intellectual energy.
      • Evidence of sustained impact – The product developed must be sustainable or have meaningful impact beyond the presentation.
      • Quality - High quality/scientific rigor as determined by a committee with expertise in the area of study.
      • Contribution to the pathway or institutional engagement activities – e.g. new partnership, service learning opportunities, educational product that will be sustained upon the students’ graduation
    • Community Partner evaluation and recommendation must provide testimony that student contributed to health of clients, responded to community-identified need, and demonstrated dedication and respect for community.

Download the Honors in Community Engagement Application (PDF)

Honors in Global Health

Program Purpose

  • Encourage, support, and recognize medical students who work extensively with medically vulnerable global populations during their medical school careers.
    • MCW is committed to improving global health through both local and international engagement. Many students work with global populations or on global issues through service, education or research through Scholarly Concentrations and their student organizations. The purpose of this Honors distinction is to support and recognize sustained commitment, excellence, and impact over and beyond usual expectations.
  • Improve and learn about the unique healthcare needs of patients, families, and communities from a “neighborhoods to nations” perspective through the development, implementation, and evaluation of evidence-based global health projects.
    • Students distinguish themselves by assuming significant responsibility in the collaborative planning, implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of focused, sustainable global health initiative(s).

Program Eligibility

Students submit their Honors in Global Health proposal prior to starting work on their honors thesis project. Criteria for consideration include:

  • Academic Standing: Student must be in good academic standing to participate in the Honors in Global Health program
  • Prior to Application: Student must demonstrate a sustained commitment to global health through research, education, or service, as well as leadership skills and personal responsibility during the first three semesters of medical school, including both:
    • Preparation/Formal Coursework (e.g., outstanding performance in the Global Health (GH) Concentration or approved alternative)
    • Global health engagement through scholarly activities including research, education, or service beyond minimum course requirements, which result in a measurable product (e.g., new partnership, pilot data, new curriculum, publication, community impact, website). Student must provide evidence of progress toward completion of a relevant scholarly project that will meet MCW graduation requirements, including (at minimum) a submitted and approved Scholarly Project Proposal.

Application Requirements

Personal Statement: Outline your overall global health accomplishments to-date, personal goals, and commitment to global health scholarship. Briefly describe the background/significance, goals/objectives, methods, and results of the scholarly project as well as your role in the project, how much time you committed to the work, and whether it has, or will be, published. Confirm that your Scholarly Project Proposal has been approved. Progress toward completion of the Scholarly Project (e.g., stage of project, timeline) and anticipated or actual results must be included in the application. Note: the Scholarly Project, regardless of its stage of completion, must NOT be the same project as that proposed for the Honors in Global Health (see below).

Global Health Honors Project Proposal: The Honors in Global Health Project Proposal should include the following sections: (A) Background and Significance (with citations), (B) Goals/Objectives (and how they extend the previous project, if applicable), (C) Methods (data sources, populations, data collection approaches, evaluation approaches, analysis approaches), (D) Anticipated Results, (E) Description of partnering organizations and the student’s role, (F) Description of how the project aligns with Consortium of Universities for Global Health core competencies, (G) planned presentation format(s) and anticipated authorship position for the student , and (H) how the student plans to find the time to accomplish the project (i.e. Concentration time, research elective). The Honors project may build upon the required Scholarly Project but must extend the work beyond that of the required scholarly project.

Learning/Mentorship Plan: In addition, the student must provide an Individual Learning Plan that includes a commitment to dedicate time during and/or beyond the third year to relevant global health educational, research, service, and leadership activities. This must include at least two of the following:

i) Sustained commitment to the GH Concentration (beyond mandatory requirements)
ii) Enrollment in an M3 or M4 Honors elective
iii) global health research or initiative supervised by an MCW faculty mentor

Letters of Support from Faculty Mentor and Partner(s) (letter from partner(s) if/as appropriate): Mentors must outline support for the project and willingness to support the student through project completion and attest that 1) the student has made significant accomplishments to-date consistent with the Honors in Global Health goals; 2) the student is taking a primary lead role on the project in collaboration with the global health partner (when applicable), and 3) the project adheres to global health scholarship principles.

Honors in Global Health Program Glassicks Criteria Table

Approval of the Honors in Global Health Application

Applications to the Honors in Global Health program will be reviewed by the Honors Committee. Students whose applications are not approved may have the opportunity to revise and resubmit their application once for reconsideration based upon the committee’s recommendations.

Successful Completion of the Honors in Global Health to be Awarded at Graduation

  • Evidence of commitment to global health as demonstrated by extensive time involvement and effort in the area consistent with the plan outlined in the approved application.
  • An Honor’s Thesis that is reviewed and approved by the Honors committee. The thesis must demonstrate:
    • Adherence to Principles of Global Health
    • Originality – All work must be original and have been produced since the start of medical school
    • Evidence of leadership, innovation, creativity – the student must have a primary lead role
    • Quantity – The body of work should be substantive and represent a significant commitment of time and intellectual energy
    • Evidence of sustained impact – The product developed must be sustainable or have meaningful impact
    • Quality – High quality/scientific rigor as determined by a committee with expertise in global health
    • Competency in areas well-recognized as critical global health education competencies
  • Contribution to the Pathway and/or institutional engagement activities – e.g., new partnership, educational product that will be sustained upon the students’ graduation.
  • Completed and signed Mentor Attestation form(s) must provide testimony that thesis represents original work and the student’s involvement warrants authorship.

Download the Honors in Global Health Application (PDF)

Graduation with Honors

The Medical College of Wisconsin offers opportunities for students to graduate with an Honors distinction in specific areas, consistent with components of the MCW institutional mission. 

Context: MCW’s Scholarly Concentrations and summer research programs provide structure and support for students to excel and pursue an area of scholarship with the guidance of a mentor.  Thus, the general expectations for scholarly achievement at MCW are high.

Purpose of the Honors Programs: To recognize and support students who demonstrate exceptional commitment and performance in a selected area that goes above and beyond general the expectations for medical school graduation. 

Distinctions are not concentration-specific; i.e. it is possible for students to achieve an Honors distinction regardless of concentration if requirements are met.  However, certain concentrations may be more closely associated with a distinction area, as requirements are supported by structured concentration activities.

Participation in an Honors Program does not guarantee an Honors Distinction at graduation. Students may not participate in more than one Honors Program.

Honors in Medical Education

Honors in Medical Education at Medical College of Wisconsin

Program Purpose

The purpose of this program is two-fold:

  1. Encourage, support, and recognize medical students who aspire to pursue careers in Academic Medicine and/or be a purposeful Medical Educator.
  2. Reinforce excellence in teaching, highlighting the educational theories and practice that a clinician will come to depend on in a career in academic medicine.

Program Eligibility

Candidates must submit their Honors in Medical Educator proposal by September 1st of their third year.

Criteria for consideration include:

  1. Candidate must be in good academic standing and demonstrate a sustained commitment to education and leadership during the first 4 semesters of medical school.
  2. Preparation/Formal Coursework (e.g. outstanding performance in Clinician Educator (CE) Concentration, or approved alternative)
  3. Education and/or leadership focused activities (e.g. through pathways and/or summer experiences and/or student groups) beyond the minimum course requirement, and that results in a tangible product (e.g. new curriculum unit, course proposal, needs assessment, OSCE case, etc.)
  4. Evidence of progress toward the completion of a relevant (educational) scholarly project that will meet MCW graduation requirements, including (at minimum) a submitted and approved Scholarly Project Proposal.


Honors in Research

The Honors in Research Program is an optional research training opportunity that enables medical students to extend their summer research training experience throughout their educational program with the goal of 1) exploring additional aspects of their project that potentially may generate new data or add knowledge to their investigation, and 2) further enhancing the student’s overall research exposure. Students will be recognized at graduation with the MD with Honors in Research on their diploma, and with Honors in Research on their transcript, pending the satisfactory completion of the Honors requirements.

Who is eligible?

The Honors option is open to MCW medical students who participated in the formal Medical Student Summer Research Training Program for 8 -12 weeks, supervised by MCW faculty investigators. Students participating in research programs away from MCW or outside of the summer research program are not eligible to apply.

What are the requirements?

Students must:

  1. Complete a total of 16 weeks of *mentored research training on one project, including the weeks spent during the summer research program, and
  2. 2) submit an approved research thesis by November 1 of the M4 year.

The Honors project must be an extension of or very closely related to the original summer research project. Time spent writing the thesis does not count toward the 16 week requirement. Additionally, Honors candidates must maintain a satisfactory academic record throughout the medical education program. * The mentor must be a full-time MCW faculty member and must provide a letter of support for the applicant at the time of application and a letter verifying the completion of the training at the time the Honors thesis is submitted (see additional information below).

When can I complete the additional lab time?

Approved honors candidates who complete 12 weeks of research during the summer may complete the additional training time by taking a 4-week graded research elective during the M3 year or in the months of July or August of the M4 year. For students completing only 8 or 10 weeks of training during the summer, the additional 6 or 8 weeks of required lab time may be completed in a combination of a 4-week elective, as described above, plus non-core Concentration time and personal time. The student must provide a plan for completing the time. The Honors application must be approved prior to beginning the additional time in order for it to “count” toward the 16 week requirement.

The learning activities are determined by the research preceptor and the student. The preceptor completes the standard third-year evaluation currently used for graded electives. Students are graded on the standard five-point grading scale.

What are the application requirements?

The Honors application must include the following information:

 For the original project:

  • Explain the background and scientific significance of the original project.
  • State the hypothesis and original specific aims.
  • Briefly explain how they were achieved (methods).
  • Briefly describe the results of the original project.
  • Briefly describe your role on the research project.
  • How many weeks have been completed (summer)
  • Did you publish or present this work?

For the Honors project:

  • Explain the background and scientific significance of the Honors project.
  • State the new hypothesis and the new specific aims.
  • Discuss how the Honors project extends or enhances the original project.
  • Briefly describe the anticipated methods.
  • Briefly explain your role on the extended project.
  • Do you anticipate publishing or presenting as a result of the extended research?
  • Explain how/when the additional training time will be fulfilled (e.g. research elective, pathways time, on nights/weekends with specifics).

From the Faculty Preceptor:

The Honors application must be accompanied by a letter of support from the research preceptor confirming the number of weeks of actual research the student completed during the summer and an assessment of the potential success of the future research time. The proposed interactions between student and preceptor also should be described.

Both the initial summer project and the subsequent research elective need to be reviewed and approved before the actual research is performed. No research completed after the summer project period will count for the Honors program unless the Honors application has already been approved. The approval for the additional four-week Honors elective research block will be reviewed and approved by a member of the Honors committee with the submission of the Honors application. Completion of work not previously approved will not be considered in compliance with this policy.

The submission of a thesis encompassing the entire 16 weeks of research is required by November 1 of the M4 year. The actual writing of the thesis is not considered to be a part of the 16 weeks of research time. The thesis will be reviewed by the Honors Committee and must be approved by February 15 of the M4 year in order for the MD with Research Distinction to be awarded at graduation and noted on the diploma and transcript.

Students interested in pursuing the Honors in Research Program may apply as soon as the summer research period is completed using the Honors in Research Application.

Preceptors must provide a letter of support demonstrating their willingness to mentor and monitor their Honors applicant throughout the added training and thesis writing process. The letter should also clearly indicate the student’s and preceptor’s roles in the project, as well as how the student will be involved in the overall research environment.

Research Program Application